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anoro16 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (1) |
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It's been a while since i've logged in here. If anybody who i used to talk to comes across this and you remember me or just want to start talking, send me a message.

Posted 13 years ago

o-O-Midnight-Dream-O-o | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (30) |
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hmmwell that doesn't sound too bad. I've got about 3 weeks left of school and the last week we're goign on this trip to London for a couple of days gonna be pretty good then i've got a full 6 weeks off ! Yay

Posted 16 years ago

miyu666101 | Videos (2) | Channels (1) | Favorites (42)

did they go with you to those sex-shops? o.o

Posted 16 years ago

GODDESSOFWAR53 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (21) |
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hey come check out the bg ;D

Posted 16 years ago

o-O-Midnight-Dream-O-o | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (30) |
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^^ me too i've been busy ! Well i'm not doing much but listen to music and school .. still but inly like 4 weeks lieft until vacation ! woop but i havn't been doing much today 'cause i'm completely tired u_u! Yesterday at school was good though, it was sports day and i came 2nd in the 100m race came 1st in my relay team ! but then came 3rd in the relay finals so we did ok ! we were meant to go back to class for the 30 minutes we had left but loads of us skipped it and sat on the bench listening to some music. hahaha i'm such a rebel ;). How are you anywayz ?

Posted 16 years ago

anoro16’s Details


Member Since:
16 years ago

Last Login:
13 years ago

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About anoro16
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About Me:

about me? well its pretty hard for me to describe myself lets see... i dont like to be bored. i always wanna be doin something. i can be a really random person, never know what im gonna do next. i like to be around ppl but other times i wanna be by myself for some me time. i hav some patience which lasts a while but as soon as it runs out "BOOOOSH" whoevers in front of me is dead >.<. i enjoy going out to places to hang. i like to watch anime and watch exciting formula 1 races. i also like to just take it easy when it rains. i get along with pretty much everybody. i really like the color black and red. I also enjoy traveling i want to go all around the world. my b-day is decemeber 4. i also know two languges


going to the park or somewhere, watching anime, baseball, tennis, basketball,watching formula 1 races but mostly going to them, some rely interesting books helping ppl i do whatever i can


naruto, bleach, death note, code geass and then a whole mess of anime on the internet and also raw,ecw, and smackdown ^^


scary movies and anything thats good


variety of rock such as hard metal or j-rock, random songs, and anime themes

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