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"Cut myy hair le"

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DeChill | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (2) |
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thnx for de request, god, youre pretty

Posted 16 years ago

Macikk | Videos (0) | Channels (2) | Favorites (18) |
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Thanks for my request...!

Posted 16 years ago

Macikk | Videos (0) | Channels (2) | Favorites (18) |
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Ow god You're so beautiful... It's unbelievable that such a nice person like You exist...!

Posted 16 years ago

Devilbesidemiie | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (33) |
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Ms QueenieZ De 拔牙记 不知几时开始不舒服的牙齿,终于... 在这个星期的星期二(21.11.2007)我把它给解决了... 竟然要动手术!!!还要缝针... 因为它就是鼎鼎有名的"智慧牙"(好大颗的牙喔~) 害得我什么都没得吃(可是就有一堆药等着我去吃) 好可怜自己喔... 而且浪费了好多钱!!! 真是讨厌!!! 但现在好多了. 能吃东西了~ 哈哈!!!

Posted 16 years ago

Devilbesidemiie | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (33) |
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最后挂电话的是最爱你的人 ......你找到了吗? 那个时候,女孩和男孩正处在恋爱的季节。& lt;br>每次打 电话,两 个人总要缠缠 绵绵许久 。   末了,总是女孩在一句极为不 舍的“再见” 中先收了线,男孩再慢 慢感受空气中剩余的温 馨,还有那份 难舍难分的淡淡情愁……   后来, 两人分了手。女孩很快就有了新男 友 ,帅气,豪爽。女孩感到很满足 ,也很得意。   后来 ,她渐渐感到,他们之间好像缺些 什 么,这份不安一直让她有种淡淡的失落。是<br>什么呢?她不明 白。只是两人 通话结 束时, 女孩总感觉自 己 的“再 见”才说了一半,那边“叭 ”的一声 挂线。   每当那时,她总感到刺耳 的声音在空气 中凝结成冰,划过自己 的耳膜。她仿佛感 到,新男友像 一只断线的风筝,自己那无力 的手总 也牵不稳那根无望的线。    终于有一天,女孩和他大吵了一架。男友很不 耐烦的转身走了。   女孩没有哭,似有一种解脱的感觉。一 天,女孩又想起最初的男孩,心中涌 起一份感 动:那位听完她“再见 “的傻男孩。感动让她 慢慢拿起电话 。   男孩的声音依旧质朴,波澜不 惊。女孩竟 无语凝噎,慌忙中说了“ 再见”……   这回女孩没有收线, 一股莫名的情绪让她 静静聆听电话那 端的沉寂。   不知过了多久,男孩 的声音传了过来,你 为什么不挂电话 ?   女孩的嗓音涩涩的,为什么要 我 先挂呢?   习惯了。男孩平静的说 ,我喜欢你先挂 电话, 这样 我才放心。   可是后挂线的人总是 有些遗憾和失落的。 女孩的声音有些 颤抖所以我宁愿把这份失落留 给自己 ,只要你开心就好。   女孩终于抑 制不 住哭了,滚烫的泪水浸 了脑海中有 关爱的记忆。   她终于明白,没有 耐心听完她最后一句话 的人,不是她 一生的守望者。   原来爱情有时候 就这么简单,一个守候, 便能说明一 切...

Posted 16 years ago

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Ms QueenieZ"""

December 20



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Chapter 1 - 'Heart Of Innocence,' As the sails were being hoisted up, Allen, carrying LenaLee in his arms, as LenaLee still could not walk, after over stretching her Dark Boots. LenaLee glanced into Allen's eyes, and whispered, " Allen-kun, you'll be with me, won't you, I don't wanna lose you again , ". Allen heard it, and as he placed Lenalee down, he recalled that dream that he had, while trying to regain his innocence. Allen knew why he was thinking of Lenalee, he gazed into her eyes and said, " LenaLee, i wouldn't leave you, ok, ". Lavi was peeking behind the door to LenaLee's room, what he didn't know was that Allen was right behind him, " Lavi-kun, what are you doing? ", Alleen asked, Lavi dared not turn behind, as he was afraid of Allen's Crowned Clown. Lavi slowly turned behind, with each move, there was dread, finally he turned around, and saw Allen looking at him, with a smile on his face. to be continued.....................


in sleep and plaeing com wacth comic


all channal


i lyk all movie i had wacth before =p


ermm I most lyk the musie in the anime bt i also lyk tawin muise and japan musie

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