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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Lets also get over the notion that Obama is somehow excused because he was a child when Ayers was a terrorist. This is so completely irrelevant that it boggles the mind. The question is not how old Obama was when Ayers was committing his terrorist acts, the question is whether Obama knew, or should have known, of Ayers terrorist past during their relationship. If Obama wants us to believe that his judgment is so superior then he should have been able to figure out who Ayers was pretty quickly. Either way Obama loses; if he didn't know it exibits bad judgment for not being able to evaluate other people (something critical in a president), and if it did it shows bad judgment because no one in their right mind should associate with an unrepentant ex terrorist.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


I don't care much for any of them. Sarah Palin is real though and I do like her. She is the only one who is not worth millions. The rest of the parasites in Washington DC end up with millions of dollars after about 2 years. The last president that wasn't one was Harry S. Truman. The downward spirial of the middle class didn't start with any of these clowns you go in now. It started with Jimmy Carter that allowed Iran to go to hell in the first place. The rest have just added fuel to the fire being politically correct and race bateing while they robb you blind. All big distractions while they tax you out of your future.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

WildThing- manager

Dogs, cats, tropical fish, turtles, guinea pigs, white mice, gerbils and caged birds are the only pets authorized in family housing. Other pets must be specifically authorized in writing by the Commanding General, Marine Corps Base. Cats and dogs must be registered with the Base Veterinary Office (910) 450-1607.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

WildThing- manager

Rowlands and Myers teach the energy education program every Wednesday. The students will create an Energy Management Plan that will establish energy conservation policies and procedures for the school system. This plan will be patterned after Camp Lejeune's Energy Business Plan. Once endorsed by the School Superintendent Robert Brinton, it will become part of the schools' policy. With the support of the Energy Program Office and DDESS District Superintendent Financial Officer, the students will also establish an energy usage baseline for each school. The students will utilize this baseline to calculate and report savings from the program. Student Energy Managers will be trained on energy consumption and costs, and will conduct energy audits locating sources of energy waste. Collectively, the Student Energy Managers will form the Student Energy Conservation and Appraisal Board (SECAB). Participation in the program will help the students acquire and practice important skills applicable to everyday life.

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