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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


What's tha code for making that veoh header thing at the top of the profile page disappear? I checked out ur profile [awesome profile by tha way] and i thought it was pretty sweet how u got a pic with ur name in place of the veoh thing and how u moved tha new messages and friend request stuff right below it! I want to do somethin like that with mine so that's why i'm asking.

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added: 15 yrs ago


I know this question is directed to fireskull55 but I'll answer it anywayz xD Using CSS put div[id="topnav"] {display: none;} to remove the top navigator xP

added: 15 yrs ago


wel u first have to make a banner (check out shishios banner vid) then u have to slightly move the pic uppwards by using position:relative; bottom:10px; the 10px may have to b adjusted... then to only get the text fireskull has u have to add these codes div[id="topnav_main"]{visibility:hidden;} and div[id="topnav_right"]{visibility:hidden;} I'm not sure I got everything right but I thiink so... btw juss noticed... fireskull if u want any of my codes ask or at least tell me dat ure using them... noticed ure using my dropdown menu...

added: 15 yrs ago


Yo potte333 did you have a copy of my CSS for the Great Moronicidiot thing? like the really red layout I had xD

added: 15 yrs ago


Cause I formatted my computer yesterday and I didn't backup my files for that layout ><

added: 15 yrs ago


Potte333's way is to add a banner and make it so the search box and links don't go over the banner image *points at third reply above this one*

added: 15 yrs ago


umm can you explain more better?

added: 15 yrs ago


Well what i want to do is get it exactly like fireskull55's got it on his[not the same pic of course lol] so if these codes do tha trick awesome! I don't have time to try out the codes right now but i will later! Thanks a million for tha help!!! Oh and i hope u don't mind me copying u fireskull55! Also now that i remembered, what program do all of you use to edit images and add text and stuff? Tha one i've got sucks so i was hoping i could find one that was better and maybeeee idk... free and good at that kinda stuff lol! Thanks again!

added: 15 yrs ago

fireskull55 manager

first of all i made that image rivera-ss second i didnt use your codes potte i used moronicidiots which i dont recall that i asked him be4 so sorry moronicidiot but i did ask him later third i might have used your codes potte but i really dont recall fourth ed its reall simple sorta just go over wat they said step by step to get it lol and btw i sometimes get confused on wat they say too fifth rivera-ss if u want to make an image like that u need to either use an image on paint and costimie it like going over it wilth the fill effect and making your name wit the type and watever or u can download a free image editing system which i used called gimp (just google it) or u can get a photobucket or tinypics account and edit an image u find and or download there with the editing program thing it has and ya i think thats all

added: 15 yrs ago

fireskull55 manager

and also rivera-ss use this code after u put in the stuff moronicidiot said if u dont want a videoactionblock pic and want to still use your #veoh codes without having to make them into the banner thing o and its made specifically for the positioning on my page so it might not go perfect on yours and ya here i also left the pic url cause i didnt feel like taking it off and the code starts at the word div ^/_\^ div[class="videoActionBlock topSpace"] { width: 1000px; height: 300px; padding-bottom: 126px; top: -2200px; left: -30px; position: absolute; background: url( no-repeat bottom center; border: solid 0px #ff0000; }

added: 15 yrs ago


this crap is complicated that i would fall asleep easily

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