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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

My colleagues and I need a list of cool anime death scenes for something; so list all the cool ones you know! Warning: viewing this list may spoil some shows so reply and don't read the responses unless you want to be spoiled lol

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added: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

The only ones I can think that are REALLY good for now are Kenshin's, Makoto Shishio's (BEST in Kenshin I think), Zabuza/Haku (Naruto),Wolfwood's (Trigun), Sloth (FMA), hmm I know there's more but can't think of any @_@

added: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

Oh holy crap I forgot about L! (btw Light's wasn't so great I think, very anti-climactic)

added: 15 yrs ago


The Major's (sorta) Death in the first season of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. It just came out of nowhere, no dramatic music, no final words, just BOOM HEADSHOT! The first time I saw that, I was speechless, then I started laughing because she fell kinda funny, then I was sad because I thought the coolest anime character I ever saw just died.

added: 15 yrs ago


you're probably looking for graphic death scenes, right? All my favorites are the quiet subtle ones. Angelica's death in Gunslinger Girl (in a hospital bed watching shooting stars), Hina Ichigo's death in Rozen Maiden (an entire episode dedicated to watching the cutest character in the show die slowly. very little tops that), Yuzuha's death in Tenchi the movie 2 (proves you can even feel sad watching the vilian die.. and that's after she killed Maiyuka for no reason). For something a bit more graphic/intense, Guld's death in Macross Plus (crushes his own body with g-forces while fighting the drone fighter), the opening sequence of Karas (kick ass plane and samurai battle ends with one guy nailed to a wall with both arms cut off before he gets killed), and just about anyone in Genocyber. The first 30 seconds of ep 2 sees 3 kids mowed down with chainguns in slowmotion (brains and eyeballs flying past the screen....)

added: 15 yrs ago


Hm.... tough one maybe Kamina from Tegan Toppa Gurren-Laggan

added: 15 yrs ago


TTGL's death scenes involving the Gurren Brigade towards the end, when they are fighting the anti-spirals. I even remember a pic that showed the time it was being televised at the corner of the screen and a motivational under it that said,"7:53, the epic time to die."

added: 15 yrs ago


Spikes death in Cowboy Bebop, he totally went out in a blaze of glory. Also Allen Walkers death at the hands of Tyki Mykk well until we find out two eps later he survived barely) in D. Gray-Man. Finally Michel's death in Macross Frontier was epic and so so so sad to. I could describe the whole scene but its better to watch. IMO it was even sadder than the death/funeral of Maes Hughes in FMA which was extremely emotional.

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