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I'll list some useful tricks I know to help you with customizing your page. It's based on the many frequently asked questions I get in the mail from people O.O some of its a little advanced but I'll do the best I can, feel free to ask questions! Hopefully this will help some of you with the upcoming custom profile contest!

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added: 15 yrs ago


Did you know the free web browser Firefox is superior for CSS to Interent Explorer? You can download it for free (google it) and then use that instead of IE. Also pages should load much faster!

added: 15 yrs ago


While I don't used it, there is a site called that will help you if you don't have photoshop or JASC animation shop. This is not the standard Paint on most computers, it is way more advanced. You can do a lot more advanced tricks this way.

added: 15 yrs ago


Also, JASC Animation Shop can be obtained as a free trial if you google for it. I use it to make 3-D images and animations for fun and my page! If you know how to use torrents, you can obtain a cracked version from the Mininova site.

added: 15 yrs ago


You can look at anyone's CSS with this address listed next, just replace my name with theirs. Use it to save backgrounds you can't access and learn how other people work codes and do tricks on their page. Please don't use it to copy codes exactly, at least switch out the images, I mean you want individuality anyways, right?

added: 15 yrs ago


added: 15 yrs ago


A lot of people have the rendered (3-D) images on their page. They look like cut out images. You can't make these in the basic Microsoft Paint but you can in most other programs. You will have to look up transparency and such on your program and learn from there. It is ussually not too hard. Also, all these images are GIF or PNG format. What you can do is just Google "PNG" or "GIF" + your character and get some free!

added: 15 yrs ago


This is the cursor code (next reply). Its a little complicated, the top code is a link to a cursor that you see in Firefox and the second one you see in Internet Explorer. You can make a cursor in Animation/PhotoShop but it must be GIF type to work in Firefox. The IE cursor must be CUR or ANI type and can be loaded at the site "" (a lot of people ask about that). ANI cursors can be made in JASC Animation shop and I believe Photoshop. I have a cursor vid in my custom profile group, but it is incomplete and I need to add more IE-related info to it. Anyhow, place this code into the body section like its another background image section.

added: 15 yrs ago


cursor: url(, url(, default;

added: 15 yrs ago


Your page looks different to you than to others. To see how it really looks, enter your username after the following address but with a different capitalization than it normally has.

added: 15 yrs ago


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