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This group is all about Sailor Moon. I am a big fan and cant wait to meet all u other fans. Share your videos and comments on this page and have fun. Discussions are always welcomed and join the fun!!!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 13 yrs ago

RavenLouise27220 manager

I wish sailor moon would come back.... how bout u?

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


hey every u should read sailormoon manga if u havent read it yet ist on its awsome

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

RavenLouise27220 manager

Well everyone I havent been a good girl and started the series again.....SO IVE STARTED IT TODAY!!! Starting today every three to four days I will be posting a Sailor Moon episode starting with #1! Unfortunantly the first one has to be in english subs(i looked for hours!) but hopefully I can find the rest in english. So get involved and comment on the channel and talk about the episode of the day. To find the channel go to my page and click on my channels and youll see Sailor Moon Revolution! See ya there!!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


hey guys! i dont know if any of you know the boooks twilight (they're AWESOME so if you dont havent, READ THEM!) but ive set up a group for twilight fanatics: Twilight Series Rules! if you cant find it just go to my profile and it'll be on my groups...thats if you want to join that is...hope everyone doesnt mind that i put this on here ^-^

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


i was lookin up some sailormoon season 1 episodes in english subbed n i came acros about 3 episodes that most of us havent seen well i havent even having the whole season i added them to this group they re under SAILORMOON CLASIC EPISODE 2,5 AND 6 3 EPISODES n they are all subbed HAVE A LOOK LET US KNOW IF U SEEN, thats why i perfer all of the seasons in english subbed

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

RavenLouise27220 manager

Coming in january I am starting a whole new generation of sailor moon, and restarting it January 1st. Every day i will show an episode of sailor moon starting with #1!! Be there for the revolution as we bring back Sailor Moon!!!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


witch sailor outfit do u like the best that includes from all of sailor soilders let us all know

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


who do u think this sailor cosmos is? well i think she is sailormoon from the future it makes sence tho in seaosn 5 when sailormoon fought againts galaxia that sailor cosmos apeared to help sailor moon in makes sence n ya she also looks like sailor moon ppl say she is sailor chibi chibi or sailor chibi moon but ya it doesnt make snce she loosk liek sailormoon n when i seen a group photo with sailrocosmos the normal sailormoon wasnt in it n all the other sailroscouts were anyways WHAT DO U THINK ALTHO I HAVENT READ THE MAGNA YET BUT YA????????

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


um do u think in season 5 in few last episodes when usagi fought agains galaxia... do u think that usagi didnt feel like fighting i mean it flet like it wasnt here i mean in all other season in batle she fought but still not destrying the pearson she cared for anyways i think she could have done better WAT DO U THINK

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Hiya everyone, I'm really concerned by the fact that I have seen Sailor uniforms different from the ones in Sailor Stars. Have there only been 5 seasons? I'm a bit worried that if there has been a 6th season we've missed it. Please help, if anyone nows anything please let me know or we could all help each other out to find out what these pics mean. I'm sure that there have only been 5 seasons. I have searched under the names of 'Sailor Moon episode 201' and 'Sailor Moon season6'- no reasults. If I find anything I will let you know or if any of you find anything we can let each other know. I have also tryed and other Japenese sites. It may seem stupid of me, but I love Sailor Moon more than any other tv show, movie, music,etc. It's part of my childhood and most of yours I'm guessing. Who wants more Sailor Moon? I do, who else?

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