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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


As anime fans we should have opinions about many series and episodes.. i watched many series up to now and i made mine. A general opinion about Animation. I believe its something like a dream. A dream which contains the thoughts from the heart of the creators and their inspirations. I could say they are some crazy ideas ^^ . Many animes of course are similar to each other, but at the end you find out that the difference can be reveal from by facts and actions in it. -Its a pity that most new fans can not see that deeper meening. Of course the colours and the plot can make someone unable to notice that "invisible" thingie but its good to watch something you will like than something you dont understand at all

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added: 15 yrs ago


well i guess im new to anime but ever since i started watching it...i look at it as more art than a show...cause thats what it is anyway...ok this reply was

added: 15 yrs ago


I agree with you there. while I do like an anime that had good animation, if the the characters suck me in, I'll watch it. to me it's all about the characters. I think there is often a deeper meaning hidden within because it was all made by human beings so those feelings have to cross through sometime. what exactly those feelings are can be interpreted in different ways.

added: 15 yrs ago


i agree in every anime there is some type of meaning to it but some people just can't see it

added: 15 yrs ago


I agree too also all animes in some way are what the creator wishes the world was like they add certain things in it too make it seem like the dream that wish they could make into a reality and makeing a anime or cartoon is the closest way the can make real but sometimes they just want to show off there creativity and how there mind works

added: 15 yrs ago


watching anime is like reading a good book if the story line is good and the characters are well develope then you can really forget that it's just a show

added: 15 yrs ago


watching anime is like reading a good book if the storyline is good and the characters are well develope you can quickly forget that it's just a animation.

added: 15 yrs ago


When you mention anime being similar i think it is for the same reasons that art is similar when from the same period or trends and fashions being the same from the same regions. Hollywood films are all different but there is a fundamental makeup or similarity, trait or trend that makes it a Hollywood film. It is the same with anime. An anime is a way for the creator to create his dream world but even so, it holds the foundations required to make it an anime. People such as ourselves appreciate that foundation which is why we enjoy anime and the we can truely appreciate the things layered on top for example twists and different story lines.

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