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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


Personally, I think that Itachi's death wasnt right becuz he was lookin out for the Leaf Village and He really cared For Sasuke...When I read the Manga Chapter about the Truth For Him...I was Mentally Upset..Becuz it was Terrible...Plz voice Your Opinion.

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added: 15 yrs ago


i dont like that he died, he was my second favorite next to pain. but i think it was a good death, but to tell the truth i liked it better when he went insane and stated he wanted to take sasuke's eyes, when we thought he was a villian, but his hero death was good

added: 15 yrs ago


yeah Itachi's my favorite character. I didnt like that he died but I do like the way he died. Thats how he wanted to die because if he didnt he would've told Sasuke the truth.

added: 15 yrs ago


His death my have not been 'fair', but it was a sacrifice that greatly boosted the status of story in my eyes, it shows it's willing to pull no punches, as happy-go-lucky as it might be at times.

added: 15 yrs ago


There was always a gut feeling that there was more behind the reason for why he wiped out the clan. Also, I knew that someone had to have helped him in the process. It was really sad that Itachi chose the Leaf Village over his clan, and it really makes me hate Danzo and the Elders. What's even more sad, is that Itachi wanted Sasuke to be seen in Konoha as a hero, and now Sasuke has teamed up w/Madara (who Itachi didn't trust and try to protect Sasuke from) and basically now Itachi is probably rolling over in his grave. The question I want answered is why did Itachi give Naruto some of his powers? Maybe he knew what Sasuke might do and it is for Naruto to kill him.

added: 15 yrs ago


Its more of like that Itachi took all these drugs because he had this disease, tuberculosis, because of all the blood he kept coughing up in the fight. Which made me literally cry even harder because at times you feel connected to the character. He took all these drugs to stay alive because he wanted to last until his final battle with Sasuke, that way Sasuke wouldn't kill him, but its not like Sasuke knew that until later, but so he could die his way. He wanted to satisfy his little brother's hatred for him. And the reason I feel so connected to him is because for some reason I just keep drawing Itachi.

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