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Manga Readers + Anime Fans

A group for all Manga Readers and ANYTHING ANIME Rules: Please be a active member! You can also invite friends too. But remember: Dont break the forum rules! Freedomno1 Feel Free To make topics ^^ And add Funny Videos Too

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


a user from the meji era group came up with this idea. read what it says "This group is huge I have an Idea so that it can expand further with out crushing under its own Weight but I need permission from Shishiokagezuchi and I need Cooperation from all the Spin-off Groups Manegers so please contact me to see what I have in-mind or we can disscuss it here"

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added: 15 yrs ago


lol someone told me about this; I didn't believe it but look here it is. We scrapped this group-unite idea and its KanonManic's own so you might want to ask his permission before posting this and its dead anyhow, and at Meiji Era I and others in charge have no desire to work together with the other managers since they let too much spam in their video libraries (I saw Pro Wrestling vids in this one -_-) and I've seen the leader of this very group give out blatantly wrong information about anime like it was true and on more than one occasion -_- not trying to be rude but its true so no go.

added: 15 yrs ago


And to be clear it is THIS group Manga Readers with the poor management: over-abundant spam in the videos ( incl. Pro Wrestling vids I've seen here) and the manager who's given out wrong info on anime, and hopefully those were mistakes that won't happen again and especially not about Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2 again -_- and at Meiji Era I delete wrong anime info and spam and we're proud of it, quality not quantity.

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Haa Lol I did say feel free to upload videos and Sadly We cannot recruit mods lol

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Ah well I went through the video list couldnt find that wrestling one some iffy ones some short clips and a couple AMV's but nothing against that also one video not related with anime but I said upload funny videos and that one was funny anyways looks bout ok no spam per say the vids are mainly of Japanese origin or related to anime and I dont mind clips or AMVs as well so by your standards its Spammy but I dont just put anime series their AMVs and Tutorials are fine as well previews and other clips anyways for the record I see 2 exactly the same topics in your group for 2 days so i'd be moderating your page as well XD (Website Competiveness Is exactly the same and has two seperate topics :P)

added: 15 yrs ago


ok are you lying to make yourself look good, cuz Wikipedia DOES list the right info. You said it was based on the manga and needed to cath up for part two but thats completely wrong, Haruhi Season 2 is based on a LIGHT NOVEL which is not a manga and its been done for a LONG time. You shouldn't be giving out info as if its true unless you are sure which you did not stipulate. Also then you spammed some ad, WTF. You shouldn't even have answered and let alone acted like you were right, spam an ad, THEN blame Wikipedia which isn't saying what you said. -_-

added: 15 yrs ago


I don't care what you said but having non-anime/japanese/manga vids in a anime/manga group is spam, yeah, considering I only want to work with groups who don't have shit libaries. Why would anyone want to watch animes at random episode points? Thats why I formed Meiji Era to get away from this crap and everyone likes that aspect. Also on the front page you have that lame vid Meth Minute- its clearly non-Japanese and non-anime, and a hentai vid apparently which should place this group in the Sexy category and yeah thats spammy by my standards, so therefore I don't want to work with this group par this guys idiotic idea.

added: 15 yrs ago


Oh sorry I didn't delete ONE thread within a week, oops but you have Meth Minute in an Anime group -_- and I mange the Meiji Era the biggest, most attacked, and most individual group on Veoh. Also dude you could have deleted those wrestling vids just now anyhow, and based on your wrong info on haruhi and the fact you're blaming it on Wiki which does have the RIGHT answer when I last checked (and its under several sections) your credibility is VERY low. This is getting boring, but I'm glad you apologized for the wrong Haruhi info but stop blaming other people, you just threw a random answer i think to seem right but next time think about what you're doing first to your members -_- and its HARUHI -_- -_- -_- DON'T BS ABOUT HARUHI!!!

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Pointed out the Citation Anyways I was just pointing out the Critiques per se not really interesting in this fused group idea anyways with Veoh's limited capabilites atm it wouldnt work too well. As for the anime stuff well I leave you to put the first eps Up :p I like my mess Lol (I deleted that Pro wrestling vid 12 horus after it was uped I think and that Hentai vid was a joke LOL) I looked at it myself And was like meh what made me laugh is that so many people watched it the vid got into the top 4 Rofl um I didnt spam an ad I replied to a topic lol. Mmm I could clear the library but I dont really see the need you havea great library to begin with and clearing mine out would basically jsut result in boh of us having the exact same stuff hmm Meth minute yah I uploaded that for dunno randomness One of the first vids up way back when mainly theirs a few distractions placed around to prevent flag haters never know when they appear. Mmm not so short after all guess I'll use two comment things lol

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Hmm where was I in replying anyways their mainly saftety shields against flaggers thats why I left them their and lol I could just go on another Invite spree AGAIN Evil Grin Your bigger by 200 members XD (I could top that easily :p Basically me and lovelyidol got it to round 1300 before invites were allowed for everyone else lol. Hmm Im answering around randomly I think Hope Im not repeating .... well anyways that Sexy vid is not an 18+ vid lol. Well the clip doesnt count and I think I gotyour spam point in that case you spam to your Kabliskkeep site hmm lot of Vids guess it is organized some anime music vids some J-pop dont see how to many haters forum their Topics dont get created too quickly see no probs their. Well I was going too But I couldnt find them *_* So those wrestling vids I did delete Lol (Pretty sure it was 12 hours after cause I actaully looked at it.)

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Aww Had to make 3 Reply topics Hmm my Credibility is very low how shorsighted of you sigh See I do know a lot about anime so the times I make a mistake were either due to misinformation or bad interpretation so their was going to be a season 2 on the light novel was I off? Anyways for the Record I didnt go to your group and start blasting it lol so I had every right to answer And now back to passive watching state I like the Group idea but I want new features and I guess Somehow a proper infusion of vids to make a Supergroup something veoh doesnt have (I mean select uploading of videos to a new group with more than 1 manager) You have the Music Videos I have more AMV's and anime lying around than your specialized groups add certain videos to the group the non spammy ones and you got some good stuff anyways you made 4 major groups so I guess that beats one lol if you could fuse all of them together You would be unstoppable

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