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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


ok,now,about ash,and almost all the characters there,it's been years since pokemon was created,shouldn't ash be like 20 years old?and if u think about it,there was this movie where ash celebrates the day he and pikachu met,so that would have been 1 year after,so he would have been 11,then in these other ep,it slips ash's mouth the word "over the years",in the english version,like he was talking to may i think and told her that OVER THE YEARS he became more experienced with pokemon,s is ash ever getting old,cuz i wanna know the secret to never-ending youth lol!!^^

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added: 15 yrs ago


Omg!!!!! You've just said the words that have been on my mind for the longest time!!!! He should be older shouldn't he!!?? It's like he's 10 forever!! (he started his journey when he was 10)

added: 15 yrs ago


for real it is wierd and he still acts as a kid even though he should be what.... at least 16 or 15

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

Geez they should AGE Him lol I want him older too ^_^

added: 15 yrs ago


I started watching pokemon when I was like 9. Now I'm 20. Seriously what the hell? But then again it took the creators of Rugrats 10 years to age the characters, so pokemon isn't the only show to do that.

added: 15 yrs ago


i was thinking the same thing with rugrats and i hope the mape a special series for pokemon when misty and trace come back and every one is together

added: 15 yrs ago


well, would u like 2 c a 20 yr old dude on an adventure w/ magical creatures while traveling w/ 16 yr old girls? that'd be a horrible image on 6 yr olds. and think bout his friends, 2. the girls look, what, 16 and travel with a guy who looks, what, 13? and that Brock guy, u'd think the Nurses (if they were ALL couzin {which is IMPOSSIBLE} would tell each othur to STAY AWAY FRUM HIM!!!) were older than him, but really, he's like 25? while they r 18? and Jessie & James! y they stay?! GETTA REAL JOB!!! r they goin out or what? y they get beat up by (supposedly) 13 yr olds if they (supposedly) 20?! actually, if Brock's 25, then they r 30?! these people r gonna hav ta cancel Pokemon soon, cuz even the way they makin each episode anuthur day, there AREN'T that many days in that many yrs. but im thinkin 2 much. personally, i prefer to think Ash=13, girls=13, Brock=16, J & J= 18 & 20.

added: 15 yrs ago


wow i feel really dumb right now!!!i never even noticed or thought about the age time laspe!!!*smacks forhead*=_=

added: 15 yrs ago


jesus, ash doesn't get old. i want to know wat his secret is. lol. i bet ash and pikachu would look awesome when their old. how many seasons are there 10, cause i remember seeing this show when it was new and i was small.

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