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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


HI!!!!! Im AkatsukiChase aka Joel, Im new here. Im in the process of making my own manga, but 2 questions; 1. What is your favorite anime/manga to read? 2. What would you say is a must read manga?

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added: 15 yrs ago


My favorite manga was Hikaru no go, and a must read manga needs NEEDS, N.E.E.D.S. action.

added: 15 yrs ago

Freedomno1 manager

O_O A Manga Creator I'd have to go with Slice of Life and Action Mangas And It depends on my mood but if the plot is solid and fun and makes it seem possible to be able to achieve greatness then I'd go with those types Anyways my Favorite Manga is Love Hina followed by Great Teacher Onizuka!

added: 15 yrs ago


Don't really have a favourite manga but how about Innocent W sounds good to me ^^ A must read manga should have cliffhangers,action,and a lot of planning ahead u know... xD Make it interesting~

added: 15 yrs ago


hi akitsukiChase, i think its great that you try to make your own manga, i think about it too. and i think a manga should concentrate at least on to directions for example comedy, action, romance. at first i thought about two but then i think three are better. now i just try to creat my characters of my manga. i dont have any manga which i prefer, cuz i like every one for its specials and other things like the story and so on. but i think the manga which has the most details is tenjo tenge. good luck at with your manga, maybe you can give me some tips and tricks, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase.

added: 15 yrs ago


THANKS!!!!! but that wasnt what I was asking, but in any case thank you anyway. the second question was asking: "Out of all the mangas that you have read which one is the one you would highly request any manga reader to read?" My first manga is full of action, adventure, drama, and mystery. My second manga is full of comedy, romance, mystery, and drama.

added: 15 yrs ago


so your a mangaka?... what manga have you writen about, id like to cheack it out. and id say my first manga was naruto, and if its my favorite, then it would also be my must read, cus... i ran outy of chapters

added: 15 yrs ago


my favorite manga would have to be Ouran High School Host Club because its so funny and crazy and a must read/see is Full Metal Alchemist, its a classic and possible the best series out there

added: 15 yrs ago


i like a manga which has a lot of humor, with a touch (or more than a touch) of fan service. When something ecchi happens, it is fun to watch the embarrassed reactions of other characters. To see what I mean, try reading To Love-Ru. It is really funny. Good luck, I look forward to reading it. By the way, do you have a title planned for it yet?

added: 15 yrs ago


ok well my forivet anime and manga to read toegther in decentdance of darkness^6 and what makes an manga is that it has a good idea that makes ppl want to read it than the story liine comes next i cant repeat it self and it cant be too draged out and the action has to be equal to the story telling and the flash backs and dont leave too much of a mistory so ppl dont want to watch it but leave jsut enought so ppl will be intreseted and want to watch more and if its topo predictable than ppl woudnt want to watch it so make sure that you put twists in it^^ ok i have sugestions if u like but peronaly mg me ok and ill tell u alot of things to to and stuff and if u have any questions on how to writ things and stuff come to me ok^^

added: 15 yrs ago


wild ones is my fave manga and i wouls say romance ,fighting or funny...depends on the manga u wanna write

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