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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


if you were living in the world of bleach and you get to join the 13 squad, what would your zanpakutoh be like. my zanpakutoh woulde be a water type, the relese form would be a ball of water that I can make it take any shape so it can be any weapon I feel like using. It can also turn into mist surrounding me reflecting light and making me invisable. banki form would turn the sword into droplets of water surrounding me so i can attack in any direction and defend attacks from any direction and that's not even the final form. cool huh?

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added: 15 yrs ago


wow um...well mine would also be water i could controle it any way i see fit i could wip throw it trun it into a sword ant thing it around kinda like water bending but i can only use the water that my zanpakutoh i could trun it into ice and mist and any other water element...and my finnaly from would be it truns into a giant water wolf and the water cant be disolved by anything^^

added: 15 yrs ago


hey, first off... yaa... its a sword, not a f-ing acid, and ya, i dont think using mist to make you invisible is even possible... and how would that work, droplets of water surrounding you... ...................wth.............. but if i had a zanpakutoh id be like a rainbow sword so every time you cut someone id be like cutting em like 10 times in different color, id look gay but effective, then the banki would be simler to renji's banki except id be like made of a bunch of like extending and moving in any direction possible

added: 15 yrs ago


okay to icup101 first off it's a f-ing fantasy thing. second mist is water and water reflects light so the mist surrounding me would reflect the light, keep the light from hitting me and bouncing back to your eyes thus making me invisble. now that I think about it, it would be more like a ninja suite of water. how do you think a rainbow is form? did you not learn anything in school?

added: 15 yrs ago


mine would be that if it came in contact with another blade it copies the ability or the power of that blade for a brief time.

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