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Frakking Test Group

To test frakking code... CSS; coding of profiles and groups; and for the computer...

Groups > Educational and howto
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added: 14 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago


Here's a cool, but simple additional element to add to Profile or group pages for sections or individual elements. It puts a 'picture frame' look around as the border to any section or individual element. Just add it to wherever you want to place a picture frame like border around something- add inside the brackets to get this affect { border: 6px ridge Black; } You can change the color to anything you like.

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added: 14 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago


I was signed out of veoh and went to one of my profiles with specialized elements on the page. I noticed that because certain page elements- my page looked real different when I am not signed into veoh... So, I stayed signed out of veoh and went to every one of my profiles and every one of my groups to look @ them when not signed into an account! I almost decided to change a whole layout because of the un-signed-in appearance of one profile.

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added: 14 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago


HYPNoBRECKYZombPire 8 minutes ago #veohPage { background: transparent; } body { background: #F0FFF0 url(; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center center; color:#2ea7fe; font-family: Kristen ITC; font-size: 12px; font-weight:bold; border: 0px solid #000000; cursor: url(; }

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added: 14 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago


Check it out! I just made the Recaptcha widget real big w/ Height & width properties! It works in Internet Explorer8 @least! #recaptcha_widgetuser { background-image: url(; width: 431px; Height: 640px; filter:alpha(opacity=70); opacity:0.7; background-color: MediumSpringGreen; }

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago

HYPNoBrekBrek manager

cursor: url(;

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

HYPNoBrekBrek manager

The last time A vicious worm attacked me computer and System Restore was done, it says it is almost out of memory. Anyone got any links to read from the internet to help me get an understanding of this? I'm thinking, "Geek Squad" @ Best Buy or adding another memory card might remedy the problem. I have read that the computer is not a bottomless pit and it can be filled up. I read thAT SOMEWHERE, A LONG TIME AGO...

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

HYPNoBrekBrek manager

Copy&Paste this Eddress into your Browser address bar and "Enter" to go there and get this "Add On" For your FireFox 3.0.7 (probably any FireFox Browser version, I would think!) Browser toolbar! IT IS AWESOME!!! It is the Sherlocke Holmes of the CSS Internet Universe! Laters! Tell me if it blew yer mind when you first clicked on it when you installed it into your FireFox tollbar!!! :-)

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Testing, 1,2,3,4!!!

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I am just wondering if the whiole group messaging is going on the fritze tonight!!! Just checking!!!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Yep, just an void group to test any frakking sode that strikes the eye! Maybe! Yesssss, I been up too long staring at code and getting crosseyed! Ha!

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