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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

devmocchi65 manager

I'm so shamed to say this being a naruto fan but I just found out like maybe 30 min ago that there is a female member in akatsuki!!!! I know nothing about her other than her name is Korna(or something like that lol ), but what i want to hear from you guys is everything you know about her like her jutsu, do you think she is weak or strong, or do you even like her?

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added: 15 yrs ago


Her name's Konan! She can use origami to fight with, in fact she can turn her body into a million pieces of paper! She was also trained by jiraya when she was younger, also with two of her friends!(Not saying who, might be spoilers!) As to liking her as a character , I wouldn't know, she looks cool but I don't think she's really done anything big for me to really notice her!

added: 15 yrs ago


Ah I love naruto too and I never knew this, but no surprise as I try not to find out too much because I love being surprised by the anime. I never watch the anime previews of the next episode as I am worried it will spoil anything for me lol Huzzah for origami! :)

added: 15 yrs ago


she really isnt doin anything in the manga now except 4(i m guessing) making new body hosts for all of peins bodies since she appears to be one 2 or taking the chakra from the bodies to put into the chakra receivers(the black piercings all over all the peins bodies)and i didnt know she could use origami the more u know the better

added: 15 yrs ago


Konan is very powerful but the only one that can beat her is shino and his family with his bug power cause is the same thing i read it in the manga and in some internet page but she can manipulate almost all kind of paper and use them as a weapon

added: 15 yrs ago


Well I feel she is more of the reconis type. Since I seem to be one of the few people who read the manga and watch the anime. Thats right I am an addict. I admit that. Anyways.... I think she just needs to be developed a little more and then she will be highly liked. Or she won't. I can't see the future.

added: 15 yrs ago


Korna....LOL!!!!! I can't wait to use that one against you. Her name is Konan and she uses paper jitsu but i never seen her fight so right now I'm guessing she is either freakin strong or freakin weak. I forgot to mention that she is peins partner and they are shakin lol jk. : P. I don't like her because I don't know crap about the girl and she isn't the hottest female on Naruto either...........

added: 15 yrs ago


***possible SPOILERS ahead*** yeah Konan...we've seen her fighting only once and that was a pretty short fight with jiraiya. he countered her origami technique VERY easily by making her wet (no double meaning intended ^^) with a suiton jutsu and imediately after that Pain took over for her. She doesn't seem too important right now. though after the latest chapter, there are some rumors among fans that she might be Nagato and the one controlling Pains bodies, but I don't think so.

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