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Hi everyone & welcome to my AMMG( Anime Music Mania Group). Rules for AMMG: 1) no episodes 2)no non anime related material(like porn) 3)only anime op/ed, anime AMV's or asian music(Jpop, Kpop etc) are allowed. Follow those three simple rules and you will be fine. Other than that hope u enjoy!!! :)

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


name any 5 anime charaters u choose to be on ur side during a fight! i choose kakashi because he'z smooth n he can fight n naruto because he got more heart than anyone... ichigo because he'z a badass when he go bankai n my main man KENPACHI bc he will fight n last but not least is da pervsage jaraiya... he'z a perv but a strong

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added: 15 yrs ago


hmmmm prolly Tenten because she has perfect aim ^^ neji cause he has the byakugan ummmmmm rukia with her soul repear spells, ummmm shayoran and fai from tsubsas resevoir cause fai can use magic and sayoran is kewl!!!

added: 15 yrs ago


ummmm Id choose Chad from bleach because Chadis strong and he can take any 1 down wiht-in ......3 to6 hits and id like to learn some moves from him and hang with him and stuff. you know?

added: 15 yrs ago


Ha, you all underestimate Nanoha and Hayate, if you know what the starlight breaker and diabolic emission are, you'd know why you don't need anyone else.

added: 15 yrs ago


Well I'm gon have Rock lee from Naruto on my team b/c he can fight and he cute, Kakashi from naruto cause he can fight real good and he cute, Ichiro from bleach cause he strong and cute, Miroku from inuyasha cause he cute and he got that hole in his hand that can suck up folks like a vaccum, and Haruhi from her show so she can lead all of them boys and keep them in check

added: 15 yrs ago


everybody knows that all you really need to win a fight is Goku. But since that is cheating I'll name some other people. Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, for some head-exploding action. The Major from Ghost in the Shell, for some exploding head shots. Lucy from Elfin Lied for some good decapitations. Dante from Devil May Cry for more decapitations. And Light from Death Note so he can keep track of all the missing heads in his little notebook.

added: 15 yrs ago


Usagi from sailor moon cuz she can transform and beat up ever1's ass with her stick. xD well her name sounds like bunny if i am not mistaken O.o and and and Ren from dears. with her sexyness she will beat up the enemy in no time. And sakura from Card Captor Sakura. she also has a magic stick. supper compo with usagi xD and mikan from gakuen alice. she is going to be the sacrifice to trick the enemy. At least she is usefull for sumthing. and sakura from Naruto. with her manly power she will punish the enemies. xD yay~!

added: 15 yrs ago


i like this topic. My first teamate would be Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass since he can force others to obey his every command. 2nd & 3rd would be Sakura and Lady Tsuande from Naruto since they have the strength of about 1000 men. My 4th choice is going to be Sesshomaru from inuyasha due to his great speed and his power. And my fifth teamate is going to be storm from x men to finish them off with tornadoes and lightning bolts ^_^

added: 15 yrs ago


well il would have danta (Devil may cry), kakashi (naruto), cloud (ff movie), Chad (bleach). naruto (just so sum1 can get betten up and go into a balistic rage) and last itachi for his sharigan. =)

added: 15 yrs ago


Let's see here, I'd also go with Kenpachi what with his massive power and all, Hohenheim from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga version, allthough I haven't really read that far the guy seems to be bloody indestructible. I'd also take Luffy from One Piece, Vash the Stampede from Trigun and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji. Still I imagine a number of those people might find it somewhat hard to get along with eachother.

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