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Hi everyone & welcome to my AMMG( Anime Music Mania Group). Rules for AMMG: 1) no episodes 2)no non anime related material(like porn) 3)only anime op/ed, anime AMV's or asian music(Jpop, Kpop etc) are allowed. Follow those three simple rules and you will be fine. Other than that hope u enjoy!!! :)

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

devmocchi65 manager

So, *sniff*, Today when i got home from work, I went to my friends room and she wanted me to watch a movie she rented called "Grave of FireFlies". Since I had never seen it but heard of it, i watched it with her. At first I was alittle confused in the beginning of the movie. However, by the end of the movie my face was so wet from tears it looked like I was hit in the face with a water balloon. Prior to watching the movie i heard it was really sad but i never knew it was as sad as i thought. They shouldn't make movies so tragic. I reccomend the movie for people who have never seen it( its on veoh btw). Now for those who have seen it I want to know what you guys thought about it. Was it really sad and you cried like a baby(l ike me :P ) or was it just another movie for you to say you've seen. PLEASE REPLY!!! I wanna hear from you guys :D

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added: 15 yrs ago


When I saw the title of the topic, I automatically knew you were talking about Grave of the Fireflies. Someone else spoiled the movie for me, so I knew what was gonna happen at the end. If I didn't know, I would probably be crying my eyes out. Instead, I was angry at the main character because all this bad stuff was happening because he wouldn't swallow his pride.

added: 15 yrs ago


i really liked the movie itself. it waz really sad though. but over all an awesome movie. it kinds shows us that wat we really did 2 japan and how much it impact it made in their hisotry. i cant say that i was happy w/ myself after i watched it because i was angry at america...XD well i guess we all had our own opinions though...! =)

added: 15 yrs ago


I was planning on watchinng it soon. Because I heard that it was a really good moviee. But I don't know where to watch it. Video stores dn't have it. And I can't really find it good quality online? :S

added: 15 yrs ago


umm I read up the movie alot b4 i watched it. SO i knew it was going to be sad. I cryed a lil but idk. I think it should of had more story line after she died and his death. Like how far he went and traveld to just die.I think it would have been more sad if they did that.But great movie 10 out of 10

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