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Citizen Kate: Horse Poop and Politics
Citizen Kate marches with the Iraqi Veterans Against the Iraq War and ends up in a lot of crap as she continues her quest to get questions in the final debate. I've been trying to get questions from viewers, friends and regular citizens in the last Presidential Debate between Barack Obama and John McCain at Hofstra University. I navigated through the campus, CSPAN, BBC, a two-sided protest, and now I found the key to making it happen: Iraqi Veterans Against the Iraq War. A group of Iraqi Vets against the war marched the gates with their demand to get two questions into the debate. We joined efforts so that we could get all of our questions answered from the candidates. Of course, we were met with the resistance from cute cops in uniforms, horses and crap. Seriously. I think I still smell like poop. Or maybe that's the scent of this election? Note to self: Fighting for your cause can sometimes lead to a lot of political shit. Citizens should be allowed to ask questions of the candidates.
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