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Shishio's Custom Profile Group

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Groups > Howto
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added: 14 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


I can't seem to go back to any of the previous posts on this group. (Heheh ^^;) I've scrolled to the bottom and have throughly looked for something that might allow me to check out previous posts but I can't seem to find one. Do u know what's wrong and how I can fix this?

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added: 14 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

You're probably going back to find the answer to your question, which was how to save profile changes again. This happens to a lot of people and they can't save CSS, avatars or description changes. Its impossible to tell now what you need to do, but follow these steps clearly and carefully. Everyone who did has been able to save changes again:

added: 14 yrs ago


He probably said about the broken pagination of this group. The height and the width of ".button.sp_button-green.buttonSpaceFix span" are too big. So the comment area including pagination buttons is covered by "Add interest" button.

added: 14 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

In IE7, the page wasn't long enough to accommodate the customized discussion board. I posted a screenshot showing the problem of IE earlier. So some people couldn't view pagination at all, the discussions just end early. I'm not sure how to fix it without an absurdly long page and even then there are many gaps and spaces. There needs to be a debugger like Firebug for IE. It would make more sense to have that over Firefox.

added: 14 yrs ago


Although there is a debbuger for IE like ,I don't know it's easy to use like firebug. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

added: 14 yrs ago


Although there is a debbuger for IE like firebug, ...

added: 14 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

Go to this page: On the new system, it can't save any profile changes if on this page (1) your state is not set to initials (2) your self-description is too long (3) other parts are too long or incomplete. So try to correct those changes: cut all your descriptions on that page down and don't leave anything completely blank, and make sure your state is initials. I can tell you right now your self-description is too long.

added: 14 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

After that go to the bottom and hit save. When it says "your changes have been saved successfully" it means its fixed for everyone who's had this problem. Keep trying until it does. If it won't after all that, go to and hit "settings" and to My Account and try there. If that doesn't work even, go to My Account through "edit profile" and try there. After you can save changes again, you will also need a new code, which you can get from the link high above.

added: 14 yrs ago


If you want to go to the next page, type in the address bar. Your previous question is in or

added: 14 yrs ago


AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH! =D I'm sorry for making things complicated and I really appreciate your help! It worked exactly like you said! You're amazing! =3

added: 14 yrs ago


You are welcome. If you use Firefox, "AutoPager" is very useful in the site having multiple pages.

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