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Shishio's Custom Profile Group

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Groups > Howto
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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

Tell your friends on Veoh! YOU will vote on the best pages! Here's how it works: there is a thread above this discussion for entering your user page in this contest. Next weekend we'll look over each profile that was entered, and show the screenshots in a designated video for it and you will vote in that video for up to five user pages. Then we'll tally the votes up over the next week. So, have your page ready by next Friday if you plan to enter and enter your name in the thread above. There will be 13 winners since I felt like having a weird number. Ask questions in this thread. Read my reply below too, its important!

Reply to this Topic

added: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

Everyone who enters gets featured in the screenshot vid and people will see your page! So absolutely everyone should enter, even if you have only a little CSS on your page, since its the people's choice, not who's got the craziest animations and all so if you have a really cool page with a good layout it may still win even if its simple! But if you do have a complex page we'll take the time to show all the shots of your CSS in the vid. But ONE RULE: one page per person. This is for fairness to all. DO NOT enter any of your secondary accounts in the contest and if I found out you did I'll ban/disqualify you from the contest and group. You can have multiple people on one account but that will be the one page for all of you. Even though you get five votes later on, you can't vote from multiple accounts either that would be absurd lol

added: 15 yrs ago


i have a question change my page now(not really now because i have to make it over) for the con??

added: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

Well, if you enter in the thread above, whatever page is up next weekend will be used in the screenshot video, so have it ready by then. You don't have to change your page just for the con, but you have a week to do so.

added: 15 yrs ago


haha ok thanks

added: 15 yrs ago


this should be fun, so if you find my reply in the other topic (the one above), then im in :)

added: 15 yrs ago


I have a question!!! When you show the screenshots in the video where ppl vote for the layouts, which browser are you going to use to feature the layouts in that vid? cuz you know certain things show up differently in IE than Firefox...PLZ SAY FIREFOX, PLZ SAY FIREFOX....and another question i have is what resolution are you going to be featuring the layouts in? cuz certain layouts show better on like 1280x1024 than say something like 1680x1050 cuz then there's lots of extra space.

added: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

Well, I'll use Firefox mainly but look over the IE version for the pointer and stuff I missed. Shouldn't be hard I tested it out already lol. I'll use a normal screen size resolution, as I don't have a very wide screen com : ( but I'll check the full bg so you can see it. I'm also going to list the amount of MB on the page and number of total lines of customizations on your CSS, just for coolness sake. There's a way to view the size of the page and the amount of CSS customizations with page source and Word. I will NOT be listing peoples CSS in the vid, though I have access to it and will use it to count the changes.

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