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The Animal Clan

This is my group The Animal Clan. You can add anything to this only about animals,animation,and anime. So you can add anything about that stuff. Okay so join now!

Groups > Anime, Groups > Animals, Groups > Animation, Anime, Animals, Animation
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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


that pictur3e you have is soo cute. ok im new to this soo... any way i love animals!!! puppies especially. anyone know where i can find a choclate lab? did i metion i LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! im hyper =)

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

Aquapussx manager

Really to anyone who reads any of my discussions! (IF YOU DO THAN THANK YOU!) We like really need members!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

Aquapussx manager

Okay so here are some things that you should know. 1. You can start role playing. But tell a bio about your character! 2. You can report to me about any problems. 3. You can talk about anything you want that doesn't violate the rules! 4. You can watch anything you want and post it on here but we will take a vote on the video and if we don't like it we won't watch it.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

Aquapussx manager

Okay so I guess since a lot of other groups have rules we should to. There are 4 main rules. Here they are: 1. No cursing. 2. No violence. 3. No fighting. 4. No sexuality! Okay so since you got those rules I will tell you the reasons. Here they are: No Sexuality because it's the grossest thing on Earth to most people. No fighting because it leads to being banned or being suspended. No violence because there will be a consequence to it. No cursing because you won't make to many friends by calling them bad words. So as you can see the Rules and Reasons. But you have to show these main things in The Animal Clan. Here they are: 1. Respect 2. Caring 3. Honesty That's all you guys need to be! So if you do break any Rules will be suspended, banned, or kicked out!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

Aquapussx manager

Okay we need more members and as a manager I need help to get more members. Okay so how are we going to get members?

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