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Simone Forti at Museum der Moderne Salzburg
The exhibition Simone Forti. Thinking with the Body: A Retrospective in Motion at Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, Austria, presents a comprehensive retrospective of the work of the artist Simone Forti. Forti describes herself as a “movement artist”. Her solo show at Museum der Moderne provides an overview of her broad creative range as artist, choreographer, dancer, and writer. On display are Simone Forti’s sculptures, drawings, works with holograms and sound, and videos. Her Dance Constructions and other performance pieces such as Huddle, Hangers, Accompaniment for LMY, Rollers, Slant Board, Censor, and Platforms are being enacted in the museum and in public spaces in Salzburg by students at the SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) during the duration of the exhibition, which runs until September 11, 2014. This video documents some pieces that were performed at the opening reception of the exhibition on July 26, 2014.
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