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Orientering i Kumlinge
Oma & Joe decided to abandon the perfect powder snow conditions in the peripheral North during their skiing holidays from 5th of March 2007 to 8th of March 2007 - let the others go snowboarding, we will have the fun of orienteering! Men dom ville stanna inom Finland. Nattaag Rovaniemi-Turku, en billig hyrbil med en billigare chauffoer, och den billigaste havresan man kan droemma om, som kostade bara 12 EUR retur med 3 fartyg och 2 timmar - och dom fann sig i Kumlinge: Paradis Skaergaarden. NOTE: Music played by Oma and Joe in the evenings after the 3 daily O sessions, some parts of course, brought by Apple.
Videos by ETSOD