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A Piece of Atobe
song: Piece of Me by Britney Spears anime: Prince of Tennis (or Tennis no Ojisama if you prefer...) I do NOT claim the rights to either! NOTE: I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO REMOVE THE SUBTITLES FROM THE BOTTOM, AND I'M STILL A NEWBIE TO THE AMV-MAKING GAME SO STOP EXPECTING IT OF ME. thank you ahhh, as atobe is one of if not THE most flamboyant character in PoT (it's a tie with Mizuki, I think) I was quite surprised that there were no amvs mocking this, or maybe I'm just beyond weird... anyway, I NEEDED to make a britney/atobe amv and here it is... (depending on how nuts I am and how much time I have I might make another... dear got help us all) yes, the hyoutei players are atobe's "babies"... come for the nekkid atobe and stay for the---nekkid atobe... it's what you really want to see anyways... ^____^ (as usual, the man different names in the title are all me, just my different account names... don't ask)
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