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Mosaic News - 8/21/09: World News From The Middle East
Mosaic is a Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East. - Bombings Harshly Interrupt Baghdad's Summer of Optimism - Karzai, Abdullah Claim Victory in Afghan Election - Israel Threatens Lebanon in New War of Words Bombings Harshly Interrupt Baghdad's Summer of Optimism Dubai TV, UAE Karzai, Abdullah Claim Victory in Afghan Election Al Arabiya TV, UAE Food Prices Increase in Ramadan Alsumaria TV, Iraq EGYPT: What's behind Jewish synagogue restoration? Al Jazeera TV, Qatar Israel Threatens Lebanon in New War of Words Al-Alam TV, Iran Palestinians Sentenced for Collaborating With Israel Palestine TV, Ramallah Gaza Settlers Remembered IBA TV, Israel