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X-Men: Sabertooth Style Workout w/Bodyweight For Fat loss, Flexibility, &... Sabertooth Style Workout w/Bodyweight For Fat loss, Flexibility, & Strength In response to the Wolverine Style workout I posted, in honor of the release of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine, here is a great bodyweight workout that will help you get mobile, strong, explosive, and jacked like "Wolverine" character, "Sabertooth." Sabertooth is known for being able to be explosive, mobile, and agile, just like a cat. The following workout, does just that, just for you. Whether you want to be lean and mean like your favorite super hero, heroine, villain, or vixen, this workout is definitely for you. Beginner/Intermediate: 1a.) Sabertooth crawls x 10 yrds 1b.) jog back to starting line Do this for 10 rounds for beginners & 20 rounds for intermediate. Advance: 1a.) Sabertooth crawl up hill 1b.) Jog in Zig/Zag downhill Do this for as many rounds as possible for 10 minutes Let me know what you think or if you have any questions. Also, if you g...
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