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Puppy love warms even the coldest Chicago day
Sorry the video is so jerky, I was wearing gloves, and even so, my hands were bitterly cold. But I've not posted a "puppy love" video in a long time, and recent events were such that I really needed to today. Namely.. After a long and valiant battle through the celebration of Christ's birth, my darling wife ( and went into the hospital yesterday And, as usual, someone chose then to come sniping at me. Earlier in the walk, God wore the masks of several passers by well though, and I'm so thankful. The dogs "mobbed" a man in a wheel chair, and I laughed and said, "Don't worry, they've never so much as snarled or snapped at anyone" and he replied, "Well, dogs tend to take on the personalities of their owners" (WOW, how wonderful is that?!) and then I encountered my friend Jim, who as always asked after me and my wife. The Lord provides... I just wish Satan would go on vacation from time to time too!
Videos by Listig