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Sound Horizon English Subbed: Sound Horizon - Elysion 'The Witch an...
Now this one has beautiful, haunting and complex lyrics (if I got them right)! Enjoy! Here's what I can make of the story and what I know of Orpheus: A witch finds an abandoned child and raises her. The girl becomes the gaurd of the door to hell. She sees all the lost souls yearning for paradise and cries. Then she hears a beautiful harp and finds Orpheus/Refuentse/Revo. She falls in love with him. The witch warns her against him but she falls farther in love. What we don't see is that Orpheus's wife is in Hell and he wants to get her out. He lets the girl be in love with him, then takes her virginity. While she's still reeling from that, he goes and grabs his wife and is trying to get her out. When she sees what he's about to do, she curses them and the woman is sent back to hell. That leaves Orpheus waiting forever.
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