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Zenbock's Blues Forte': B2K Part 1 Program #2k-1102
A Classic Zenbock program, first aired fall, 2000. This is, Blues 2000, & Beyond, The Endless Blues Festival, taped by the Zen Cam, up state New York, in Ellenville, at The Neverlee Grande Resort.. Mike Moss Promoter. (Andrea Kopp, blues yoga,) (Kerry Kearney, within the Swiss Chalet, and some of Kerry's favourite footage I taped) (Ken "The Rocket Korb") Out door stage, with The Shade, rifting and setting up, and playing, introduced by Buddy Fox) (John Sebastian) This program captures the feel of the day of Blues 2000. The nightlife is another entirely different look, and sound. So we have the Saturday late night "Lobby Blues JAM", actually about 2 AM, Sunday morning. The jam is led by Ken "the Rocket" Korb. But we focus here on the warm day, and the many who shared this wonderment of blues culture, captured within Blues 2000, and Beyond. Edited by Zenbock.
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