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Vlog of a Faux Journalist: Lumi�re :: rules :: Heidelberg Barge Lumi�re
Lumi�re Manifesto . At worst, we destroy important viewpoints through unnecessary editing. I don't particularly cotton to rules except not to break them when to do so risks arrest. Raymond asks good questions in the Heidelberg couch sessions . VlogEurope Media Ripples. A cult of affinity. To which there is all and no allegiance. For all the land, stone & water beneath there was not much common ground. It was - rather - uncommon common air; a union of propensity and proclivity toward progeneration of fine, and noteworthy nothings. - Jan I give you T.S. Eliot's "Prufrock and Other Observations" of +- 00:36:00 length for a short film. I plan to collect Lumi�res for it. Feel free to mash up. CC Attribution | Non-commercial. Play with ' chance ' a wee bit. Tags: Faux Press Art Metaphrasty
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