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""Rooster! ...Haha..." "It's an animal fiesta!" "Gee-rawr-duh!""

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xAwwSugarr’s Details

March 1


Roanoke, Virginia

Member Since:
17 years ago

Last Login:
15 years ago

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About xAwwSugarr
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About Me:

Puttin' the "angst" back in "gangsta" since '93. Hi, I'm Emi. I’m fourteen, a girl, I reside, for now, in Roanoke, Virginia and I’m tall. I’m naturally blond (but, now, my hair is blond and brown and my bangs are stained purple/red/blue/pink) and I have blue/green/gray eyes. I’m not pretty, so don’t say I am. Alright? Alright. I’m over all okay with the way I look; I’m never going to be happy with the way I look. Get over it. I’ve got low self esteem; it happens. The few things I like about my body are my eyes and their color, and my piercings. I have my ears pierced three times (for now) and the first hole gauged to a four (or a two) and my nose pierced. I like piercings and tattoos, but I have no tattoos as of now. I have a strong addiction to the band My Chemical Romance, and I never will give up that addiction or try to break it. No matter what you say, they remain my favorite band in the world; if you don’t like it, get over it, okay? I’ve been with them since sixth grade, nearly four years now, I think, and I don’t plan on leaving them. They make me sane. The concert of theirs that I attended (11/30/06, Richmond, VA) was the highlight of my year, and probably years to come. I’ve listened to them so many times, if given the beats to their songs, I could most likely fill in the lyrics. But, that’s not to say that they’re the only band I listen to. I listen to so many types of music it’s not even funny. If that makes me a “poser”, that makes you an “ignorant fucktard”. Alright? Alright. I like a few things in general: vitamin water, pocky, music, rain, My Chemical Romance, piercings and tattoos, writing and reading (I role play and write fan fictions), and manga and anime (Gravitation, Loveless, Gohku Drug, InuYasha, etc.); those things mean the most to me. I could easily survive off multiple flavors of vitamin water and random boxes of pocky if I was given My Chemical Romance and other musical groups, a computer to write with and some manga or anime. It’s quite easy, you see. I don’t take shit from most people. Get over it. I’m a nice person, though, when you’re nice to me! This mini bio isn’t the nicest thing I’ve constructed, but bare with me, will you? Here’s some things you should know about me before befriending me: I don’t like homophobes, I’m bisexual, myself; I don’t do racists or things along those lines, but the occasional joke is fine by me. As long as you’re joking. I don’t like ignorant people who defend some people and make fun of others. I don’t do overly religious people unless they understand that I am, in fact, without a religion at this moment and that I don’t care to convert any time soon. I don't do people who dis My Chemical Romance or other "mainstream" bands just to see my reaction; I've lost friends that way and I still will, get over yourself. I hate losing friends because people can't keep their mouths shut, but, whatever. You can hate them all you want, but, please, don't tell me how much you hate them or "how bad they suck". I adore my music tastes, you can hate them; you can have your own opinions. Let's find some common ground and be mature. That's one of the things I can't stand. If you don't want me talking about them, tell me calmly. I'll stop. But, please, just don't do it. I would hate to stop being friends because of something so trivial, but something that means so much to me. Other than that, I’m pretty open to who I befriend. So…there you have it. Wee!


Anime/manga, vitamin water, boys and girls, MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, being stupid,music, pocky, writing, reading, myspace, sleeping, piercings, tattoos, etc.


:o A lot.


A lot.


Too many to name.

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