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""Nagutta ne?! Oyaji ni butareta koto nai no ni!" (You hit me?! Not even my father hits me!) Amuro Ray."

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0XxBlackRosesxX0 | Videos (0) | Channels (3) | Favorites (119) |
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Hi, I'm weird in general, you don't know me and neither do ur parents but trust me you are more normal than ur parents think.(I didn't right it in my pg really, so ur just gonna have to trust me on this) ^_^

Posted 16 years ago

Roy747 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (0) |
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I read your profile and you seem very interesting ^_^. My parents also think I'm weird because I have few interests :P. My day is sort of divided up like your except I usually mix eating with the computer and school with sleeping.

Posted 16 years ago

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February 8



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Not much to say, I don't like to do much except sit in front of my computer. I guess you can say I'm an average teenager. I spend 30% of my day in school, 20% in front of the computer, and the rest 50% eating and sleeping. My current goal is to earn enoug


I don't have a lot of interests. My parents don't think I'm normal....>.> One thing I do like is anime, I listen to music as well, and I enjoy inline skating (my skills at it are another thing...).


I like my TV, but I don't like many TV shows. Well, except the sitcoms like the Simpsons and Family Guy (no Southpark sorry..). I can't really get into dramas and game shows. I still prefer my old, whiny, overheated laptop over the 42 inch LCD..


Only 2 movies ever made me go "Wow, I would rather watch THAT than go on the computer". The honours go to Forrest Gump and Fight Club. I saw some newer stuff too, but movies seem to be getting less and less original.


I went from punk to metal to classic rock to anime music. Right now I'm stuck between the Beatles and a bunch of Japanese songs I don't even understand.

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