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"it's aLL abOut dA skiLLzzz!!XD"

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jcjjica | Videos (23) | Channels (3) | Favorites (7) |
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Yes he is so hot. Sorry I couldn't respond to your message right away or in 2 months I think. Anyway I am still subbing clue collector and moving on to superstar express.

Posted 15 years ago

xORadicalSprinklezOx | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (4) |
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Well studies do come first! So take your sweet time replying xD Besides Im late on my relplies too xD Haha, But i wish I took as seriously as you do! I could never be able to actually "study" for any exams,quizes or anything of the sort that has school related to it xD I am a more laidback person who doesnt really care xD but at times I do panic and worry whats going to happen if I dont pass! So i do study at THE VERY LAST MINUTE! (which may not be the best way to try and ace an exam) But I wish you much Luck on your exams :) I hope you do very well ^-^ And thanks so much for asking! BUt there isnt really anything good going on in my life at the moment just enjoying it :D Which is the usual for me ^^

Posted 15 years ago

xORadicalSprinklezOx | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (4) |
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haha xD I am so happy I am not the only who think like that! Lol, some might get a bit creeped for the weird things I may come up with ^o^' But i think they all make sense in their own way xD or when you really think about it also :P JUST UBER ADORABLE! and I am so sorry for my late reply! I hope you have a happy new year; I wish much joy and luck for you if you can ^-^ and its weird when you find things when you are looking for something totally the opposite from it xD But that just a form of luck!

Posted 15 years ago

Sonicshadowsilver15 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Friends (62)

Hey, how are you? ^_^

Posted 15 years ago

xORadicalSprinklezOx | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (4) |
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Anytime ^o^ Thnx sooo much for accepting it also :) And I just love your pic ^o^ L and Light are one of my favorite from Death nite :D ANd I also love your bg too :D SOO CUUTE! That girl kinda looks like a realistic anime girl BUT in chibi style :D WOOT! Go chibis! I think Chibis are the cutest things every :3 Esepcially chibi cupcakes;; And the little tiny sprinklez just make them Oh so good to eat also :3 But I would never actually eat one, Chiis are just way too cuute especially in cupcake form to eat xD

Posted 15 years ago

starLessNightShade’s Details

November 14



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weLL..derz nothing extra ordinary about me..i'm juz a simpLe girL whO is addicted to animes whether its anime series, movies, mangas or watever!=) i'd kiLL 4 animE if i havE 2!....if u stiLL consideR dat simpLe nd ordnary dEn..datz mE!!heheheh^_^


everything dat invoLves ANIME, a bit of reading nd juz gud music i guess...



ANIMES(obviousLy)heheh nd probabLy romance nd comedy(rush hour) nd maybe thriLLers nd epic movies!..oh nd i especiaLy Like movies with Loads of fighting scenes particuLarLy martiaL arts.=D


i Lyk japanesE musiC mostLy i finD in animEs..den i guEss othEr gud musiC dat i juz happEn 2 Lyk wen i heAr it!=D

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