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"id rather be HATED for who i am, then loved for who i am NOT"

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tarla | Videos (4) | Channels (3) | Favorites (2) |
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hey i'm made a group which's perpos is to gather data and people. to forc veoh into changeing the formate that we all hate. but becuse there's all ways goning to be someone who hates something we need numbers to convince them to change it and to segest what to change! u can acess this group from my pg! ^U^ Thaxs for reading

Posted 15 years ago

ayesha55 | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (15) |
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ur welome for the invite and sarah how r u?

Posted 15 years ago

onigear | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (38) |
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hi!! ^^ long time no talk. how've you been?

Posted 15 years ago

Nelqu | Videos (13) | Channels (0) | Favorites (27) |
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ey srry for the late reply busy busy busy ^^" Really? thx ^^ Bleach movie? I saw it too, funny!! yes rukias zanpakto was amazing! epi 116? well, don't worry I belive you will catch up! Ur sister visites you? Sweet! I hope you will have a great time together ^^ so how y doing? how was ur day? Is ur sister still in America?

Posted 15 years ago

NOOBSAIBOT42 | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (121) |
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9,675,000,000 ppl n this world && yet i ended up with your crazy ass as a friend?Damn,Im lucky!Send this to everyone u love.^_^ Get 1 back-ppl feel sorry for you Get 2 back-You have a couple true friends Get 3 back-You aight Get 4 back-Your loved Get 5 back-Your adored Get 6 or more-Damn your a celebrity

Posted 15 years ago

sk8ergirl786’s Details

May 25, 1993


some whar over the rainbow way up high, NY

Member Since:
17 years ago

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15 years ago

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About sk8ergirl786
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About Me:

well lets see... my names sarah and im 15 and rly short wich bugs the hell out of me T-T i guess u cud call weird and a little sycotek (i cant spell 4 the life of me so pleas bare with m my personlaity is odd in some ways i dont expect enyone to understand but if u do then borvo its geting harder and harder to belive thers someone out ther that understands. i love pizza O__O im an alaround good person who wud go to the ends of the earth and bake 4 my friends i love to cause trouble and reak havic its one of my perks im emo no knife thoue i dont have enything agenst it thou and nither shud enyone els!!! i like to chill and hang out i love to skatbord and draw but exept 4 tat im pritty lazy i guess im ur typical teeneger i cant ever get my hair the way i want it, my room dosent stay clean for more that a day and thers this guy im completly crazy about! <3 i hate skool and i hate the world hummm i never relised it but i hate most things but enyways im geting bord another part of my lazyness so see ya ^-^


i like to sk8bord,snowbord,draw anime, marshal arts, walking in the rain and i like to read and write poetry mostly dark oo and animles oo i rly rly like pop tarts XD


i have a lote of anime shows i love like black cat, bleach.karin,blood plus, naruto,fruits basket,jikogu shoju fugamore, fullmeatl alcamist,inuyasha,eureka 7, fethers angle,fooly cooly,samori chapoloon and much much more! anime!


I like a lot of movies i like horrer,sifi, scary movies


my favret typs of bans are rock,punk,hevy meatl and hard rock i like linkin park ,disterbed, and other bands like that

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