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""I like Greta*^^* "All That’s Left Is Her Tears Of Blood Called For With The Matselja Wind;You Can Hear That Same Hunting Song Until An Explosion Rips To The Air And All The Music Is Gone..."

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aerosmitty1973 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (55) |
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hey i havent forgotten about you. I miss you.

Posted 14 years ago

blackwing25 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (40) |
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miss u my friend..^ ^ i know ur watching from above..xP stalker...xP

Posted 15 years ago

aerosmitty1973 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (55) |
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oh man, i still miss you and love you. u were so caring. i hope you can see all these comments left for you. rest in peace

Posted 15 years ago

acesgirl | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (8) |
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Hey sweetie well i miss you like crazy deleting my profile again cant stand being on here without you :-( Just came back to find a friend and get her email so now i have i am going again as i said before missing you so bad love u always xox Jay

Posted 15 years ago

sexyemodude | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (0) |
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even though you're gone you'll still be one of my best friends and I'll always remember you.

Posted 15 years ago

kouda’s Details

July 21, 1988


Apkallu, Meet Us In The Street Underneath Bright Lights

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17 years ago

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About Me:

Am Just A Normal Teenager Who Likes To Enjoy Life,I Love My Friends Cuz They're Always There For Me,Am A Very Shy Person,Am Very Social Tho Am Not That Much Of A Talker In Real Life,Some Might Think That Am Wierd But That's Ok Just Dont Judge Me When You Dont Know Me,I Started TO Play On THe Guitar Recetly I Dont Play I n A Band Or Smething Like That,Sometimes I Do With mu Buddies :] They're The Best My Fav Colours Are The None Cloures And BLUE,[ReH Devain] Isnt My Real Name Its Just A Web Nikename If You Wanna Know My Real Name And More Feel Free To Ask,I'll Add You As A Friend On MSN If I Liked You :) Feel Free To Ask Me To Add You If You Want,I'd Love To Meet New Friends


Lestining To Heavey Music,Going Out with My Freinds,Movies,Long walks,The Beach,Reading,Write Poems,Listining to Mazzic,Chating,Surfing the Web,Analyzing Data System,My Hamster,Make New Friends And Makin PPL Happy!! :]


[Decomantry,Comedy and Action] Animal Planet,Laguna Beach,Adrenaline rash,Hidden Palms,The Ghost Whisperer,Gray's Anatomy,The Amazing Race,The UNIT,I Shouldn't be alive, Death is on a vication,Kino's Jerouney,CSI,Heroes,Criss Angel (Mind Freak), Jumper


Transformers,300,The Illusionest,Atoment,Harry Potter,The Motorcyle Diaries,residant Evil,Flirting With Desaster,Anger Manegment,Black Sheep,Scilence Dead,Rabido,Click,Over My Dead Body,The Empty House,The Bucket List,The Hit Man


Good charlotte,MCR,Green Days,3 Days Grace,Bring Me The Harizon,Bullets for My Valantine,LinkinPark, Cute is what We Aim For,Breakin Benjamin,Panic At The Di Am Ghost, Aiden,Stutterfly,Disturbed,Sytstem Of a Down,Nickleback,Smile Empty Soul,Megaherz

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