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"I am an angel, an angel of God! (my other quote is in my about me)"

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runt32a | Videos (0) | Channels (28) | Favorites (246) |
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hey how you been

Posted 12 years ago

womensuck | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (7) |
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Women shouldn't think men are intimidated by them cause really we like to give girls a challenge so they won't think they can manipulate us besides no man wants a big ego women who thinks she is invincible. I don't go for girls who date guys out of pity, like she feels sorry for him. Men can give themselves confidence. If anybody said females are caretakers thats like Adolf Hitler turning into a born again christian.

Posted 13 years ago

johnroders | Videos (9) | Channels (1) | Favorites (67) |
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merry Christmas and have a happy new year

Posted 15 years ago

deadriku | Videos (3) | Channels (7) | Favorites (86) |
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Dear God, The lady reading this is beautiful, classy & strong and I love her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel above expectations. Help her to shine in darkest places and love where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most and let her know that when she walks with you, she will always be safe. (Send to all the ladies u love. I just did.) *HEARTS* to all

Posted 15 years ago

Lilstar18 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (45) |
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ur page is very adorable so wanna be friends ill snd u a friends request

Posted 16 years ago

iloveyouandhim24’s Details

November 25


In Howl's Moving Castle

Member Since:
17 years ago

Last Login:
15 years ago

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About iloveyouandhim24
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About Me:

Well I am TAKEN (sorry boys but im taken by my love)! I am nice to everybody and anybody unless they are mean to me!! >.< Love anime (if u have any good anime books tell me them cause i want to read them!!) Love to draw anime My first wish: Everybody love God By the way if any of you guys have a YouTube account mine is iloveyouandhim24 watch my videos and rate comment watever.. i am not on really anymore but if u want to be my friend on their as well then you know were to find me @! i love anime, drawing, and reading manga! "♥if u love me y not tell me?♥ ♪dont u love how every girls profile is about tat one boy & he never knows it is all about *him*♪" ♥♥♥♥♥♥ my veoh family: deadriku lil sister, (ask me if u want to be one of my family members!)


i love to play in the rain, i like to play in the mud with my gocart, i like to play in the winter time more than the summer time, i love to swim in outdoor pools, indoor in winter (duh), Drawing, Soccer, Flying, internet, tv, sports, computers


look to the sky see if i am their, if i am there then i am in your heart. -Me Happiness always conquers fear --Dont care if spelled anything wrong-- i like any cartoons, anime, (spongebob)


anything romantic, funny, kids movies r awsome! well ya.. ^_^ (goofy kinda person if u cant tell) Hayao Miyazaki's movies! Spirited Away, Howls moving castle, and all the others he makes!


anything but blues, watercolor and things like that just to eh for me..

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