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sweetberry0626 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (959) |
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no, but i will now

Posted 15 years ago

sweetberry0626 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (959) |
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i know. i like the other one better!!!!!

Posted 15 years ago

crimson-angel-666 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (44) |
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lol yeah his evilness is what makes him awesome :D hehe Hero is cool 2 :p i met a guy in the shops the other day who spoke exactly like him :p if it wasnt 4 the fact that they looked different i would have thought it was him, i had 2 try her not 2 giggle lol

Posted 15 years ago

crimson-angel-666 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (44) |
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:D thats awesome ^_^ yeah sora is cool 2 ^_^ and roxas ^_^ i c u like Heros as well :P hehe that show gets a bit addictive lol :P my fave character in it is sylar lol and ur welcome 4 the friend invite ^_^

Posted 15 years ago

crimson-angel-666 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (44) |
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:D i LOVE! Riku as well ^_^ he's my 2nd fave after Axel :P love the new background ^_^

Posted 15 years ago

blueeyedbaby’s Details
Taiyouko Kurosaki

November 27

Member Since:
15 years ago

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About blueeyedbaby
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I also have an account on youtube with my sister, Yumiko! I love my sis! (I'm 13 years old) BE WARE OF YAOI ON MY WEBSITE!!! A WHOLE LOT OF IT


anime, music, manga, RPG, video games


Heros, South Park, Family Guy, Jon and Kate plus 8, nick, nanny 911, Gilmore Girls, House m.d., It's me or the dog, lets see...there's a lot, lets just leave it at that.


Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Twilight, Wall-E, Elf, ALL classic Disney moveis like Sleeping Beauty and Lady and the Tramp, Miyazaki movies.


Rush, Hedly, 3 Doors down, people that write kingdom hearts music, a whole lot of other people that i don't feel like naming

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