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"It's Not TV. It's good."

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when you upload a video in the States on wednesday, i have to wait til thursday morning to see it. And then youtube is doinging its concoctions thing. who'ed live in england aye!

Posted 17 years ago

Zanzibar19’s Details

January 1



Member Since:
17 years ago

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6 years ago

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About Zanzibar19
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About Me:

The revolution will not be televised... because TV is dead and no one is watching it anymore. And why? Because the big networks keep subjecting us to the same old, tired, processed, safe, mediocre programming. Does anyone really want to watch clone 271 of FRIENDS? Or how about CSI: DES MOINES anyone? Here at our mission is simple. Be original. Be funny. For too long we've been subjected to the same old network drivel. Bored to tears over television because Network Executives are too afraid to take a risk when it comes the programs they allow you to watch. We here at Zanzibar19 say, “Pull your balls out of your purse, Network Executives.” Zanzibar19's balls are out. In fact, they're in my left hand right now as I write this mission statement to you. What? It helps me think when I juggle my nuts. So join the Zanzibar19 revolution with your iPods, your MySpace, your YouTube, your boss's broadband connections. Coming soon, join us every Wednesday for our show, SNOWMEN HUNTERS. SNOWMEN HUNTERS is funny. It's lewd. It's disgusting and your mother would weep if she knew you were watching. It's our answer to what is lacking in network television. SNOWMEN HUNTERS so funny in fact, that we guarantee you'll drop a deuce in your pants or you get the first season FREE. That's right, at we will NEVER charge you for watching our shows. It's all FREE all the time. So click over to to watch SNOWMEN HUNTERS. And while you're there, check out all the other free stuff like deleted scenes, trailers for upcoming shows and me...juggling my nuts. So turn off your TV and turn on "It's not TV. It's good."


Filmmaking, Comedy, Internet Television


South Park, Ask A Ninja, Wonder Showzen, Chappelle’s Show, Puppet Rapist, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Curb your Enthusiasm, The Simpsons, Entourage, The Office, Scrubs, Cheers, NewsRadio, MASH, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Leave It To Beaver, The Berni


Napoleon Dynamite, Anchor Man, Old School, Kingpin!, Groundhog’s Day, The Incredibles, Fletch, Ghostbusters, Swingers, Airplane!, Dodgeball, National Lampoon’s Vacation, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Tommy Boy, The Waterboy, Billy Madison,


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