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"Character cannot be devolped in ease and quiet. Only throught the experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthed, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller"

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TalaRaka’s Details

February 23


Willows, California

Member Since:
16 years ago

Last Login:
13 years ago

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About TalaRaka
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About Me:

I'm 14, I'm a small town girl, that does not mean country or whatever. I live in northern California, my style is me, it's various different things but together. I NEVER wear skirts UNLESS I have PANTS under them, I rarely wear bright colors. I just don't care for them.... I have DARK brown hair with red (dyed) in the front soon to be tipped black with reb streaks throughout the brown.... I have darkish blue eyes with a tiny bit of blue-green around the pupil....I HATE people that are judgemental, racist, homophopic, and/or sexist. I don't believe everyone is the same because we're not we're all different. But I don' think we should judge someone because they are different. I'm not religious just Spirital. I believe there are supernatural tings I guess you could say out there. I listen to a VERY wide variety of music. I also don't like labels and try not to use them. I have a...oh how can I put this...odd personality. it changes with who I'm talking to and who I'm with,but one thing never I'm ALWAYS sarcastic


photography, drawing, writing, reading, hiking, camping, animals, biking riding, crafts, painting, knives/blades/swords, wicca/paganism, music, movies, computers, hangin with 'family' and family, math, dancing, singing, videotaping/making videos, & anime


Big Bang Therory,Heroes,CSI(all),NCIS,Reaper,Kid Nation,Criminal Minds,Supernatural,Greys Anatomy,Ghost Whisper,Moonlight,Numb3rs,Blood Ties,Avatar,Beyblade,Digimon,Gravitation,Wolfs Rain,Charmed,Chrono Cursade,Cardcaptors,Desendants of Darkness, and more


National Treasure(all), Covenant, Fast and Furious(all), Blood and Chocolate, When A Stranger Calls(remake), Speak, Spirited Away, Panic Room, Distorbia, Underworld(all), Game Plan, I Know What You Did Last Summer(all), most anime, and many many more


WAY WAY to many to list... like I said I have a VERY wide variety of music I listen to

TalaRaka’s Favorites
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