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"The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy - I mean that if you are happy you will be good."

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SakuraPrince’s Details

May 30



Member Since:
17 years ago

Last Login:
14 years ago

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About SakuraPrince
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About Me:

I'm just a normal Canadian teen of (dare I say it) Tamil decent. Beleive it or not I have a great interest in Asian music and dramas ^-^ lol Never thought it was possible? Think again! Anything is possible! Seriously the dramas and especially the movies/music in Tamil media (kollywood) are really getting boring and downright stupid Well one day while I was looking up some info for a school project I came upon a very interesting video. It about a girl who accidentally hands her love letter to the most baddest evilest guy in the school (can you guess what it was?) With a stroke of luck it was English subbed so I could understand what they were saying and I found that show to be very interesting =) After that I realized how much more interesting Asian dramas are than the stuff that goes on on T.V (In North America) So that's about it for me =)


I mostly like reading books, especially the Harry Potter series. I like writing but I'm not an author. I like taking pictures but I'm not a photographer. I like singing but I'm not a singer T-T


My favourite show is Sapuri!! =D My other favourite show is ISWAK! That was an awsome show! Even if it was long, it was entertaining, now if i can only find the manga....


Pirates of the Caribbean and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy =D


Mostly punk rock but I like other random genres too =) My favourite twn singer/s is Fahrenheit (w00t!) and Rainie yang...well some of her songs =) My other favourite boyband is japanese, KAT-TUN!!

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