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"There's a fine line between Pretending and Dreaming"

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saiyuki-forever | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (155) |
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don´t wry about replying so slow, i´m always happy 2 hear about u even tho i rly wish u would reply a little faster atleast. aww ur so nice, thank you! i´m planing on makeing a new 1 soon, when school alows me 2 do something besides studying and not feeling stressed about it. hmm i could put it up again, its just that i dunno when u will reply again. if u would tell me a day when u will check it out i can put it up 4 ya. glad 2 hear ur doing good. uw, the ava is rly awsome ^^

Posted 15 years ago

saiyuki-forever | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (155) |
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Hi!! Yeah it sure is long between ur replys, but np about the late replys i´m just glad 2 hear from u :D . i´m doing ok thx, hope ur doing fine =) . thank you!!! =D and ur comments about my layouts always makes me so happy, i feel like i have done a good job makeing 1 ^^ . I wanted u 2 see my previous bg 2, cause it was rly awsome. Hope i can show u it sometime ^^ . like ur pic!! take care!!!

Posted 15 years ago

saiyuki-forever | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (155) |
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i kno and i can only find a little. i wish it wasn´t licensed so i could read it. other good mangas minekura kazuya made r also licesed T_T . how many wolumes of W/A will it be? i don´t remember. i would want 2 read it, can i borrow it from u ~_^:P . November thats kinda long time left. lol i also like kubo-chan and i like tohitho 2. komyia was also good sad he dies.

Posted 15 years ago

saiyuki-forever | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (155) |
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np just hope u will be on more. ow congrats!!! yeah i´m doing ok, 4 now i´m just tired. thanks a lot, i´m so glad u like my bg and yeah its from wild adapter. i also like the manga but i dunno were 2 find the continue 2 it, i have only found the 1st wolume online T_T . how far have u read? and thx take care u 2, c ya later =D

Posted 15 years ago

saiyuki-forever | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (155) |
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it´s ok ^_^ . what is it u r so busy with, if i may ask? and i´m doing fine thx =D . sure np, thank you 4 joining, i was thinking of makeing a group 4 all minekura kazuyas animes 2 lol. take care u 2 and hope it will be soon this time, i missed u ^_^. bye

Posted 16 years ago

NyxSky’s Details


Lost in Space O__o

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17 years ago

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My soul is battered by the emotional tangle, My heart is bruised with the invisible pain, Tears couldnt provide comfort, As the fear continues to mount sky high, The warrior within me is dying, And when He's gone so will I...


Jotting down my nonsensical thoughts on paper and Watching idling as the world slipped pass me..




Deftones, MUSE, LP

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