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"keep the darkness in a chest and lock it up with your fake smile...that way no one will ever know the horrid heart you keep..."

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TheTongue1 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (1) |
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want you

Posted 10 years ago

aaronluis26 | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (7) |
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Happy Birthday Karin! :D

Posted 14 years ago

kv20007 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (71) |
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Omg hi~ :) its been a while~ The bg you made me no work no moar D: I hope you teach me how to use css haha

Posted 15 years ago

Renorin21 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (31) |
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hey its been a long time since i have talked to u so how have u been?

Posted 15 years ago

tarla | Videos (4) | Channels (3) | Favorites (2) |
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hey i've made a group thats perpos is to gather members and to gang up on veoh to change the foemat but to do that i need DATA to see what most poeplo what changed and numbers to convince them that the mass of users whant it changed not gust a couple of people so please join and invite others becuse frankly when i tir to invite people the other way it all ways faills! o and u can acess my group through my pg ^U^

Posted 15 years ago

NatsuoLove13’s Details
Karin...but that's all I'm gonna say. Last name? I'm keeping that a secret!

December 15


In a state....somewhere....not gonna tell you., In a country.... state's still a secret...

Member Since:
16 years ago

Last Login:
15 years ago

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About NatsuoLove13
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About Me:

YES, I DREW MY OWN ICON!!! I'm 14...I love art and music and watch a lot of anime...I arch and have been for 7 years. I am addicted to sugar anime, music, and art. ^u^ yay! sugar anime rehab! XD


I like art and draw often. I also arch and run track. I watch a lot of anime and can play base guitar and acoustic.


I watch it when I want to...


I've been watching too many movies lately...


I love music. I listen to all kinds as long as it isn't any of that media hungry crap! There are many tied for the top f my favorites but I love Tokio Hotel and Death Cab for Cutie! If you have any good music please tell me where I can hear it! Sankyu!

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