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MuffinBite’s Details

May 24


happy pill land, hint: sunshine

Member Since:
17 years ago

Last Login:
15 years ago

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About MuffinBite
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About Me:

im 14 and a most likely the most hyper yet vair lazy person u'll ever meet! im constantly eating yet have been a size 7 for almost 2 years now!!!! pro-abortion, hate bush, love squirrels,liberal,democrate, bi, wannabe novelist, sings when no ones around in meh bra and boxers, fave ice cream is cake batter from coldstones, loves mangos, addicted to coffee and chai's, major flirt, space cadet, hobbies: day dreaming, READING (major bookworm), talking, writing, watching scrubs, and hunting ( just got a 16 gage rifel YAY MEH!), vair stubborn, careless, vain, short tempered, wild, random, intelligent when feels like it, loves thai food, chinese food, sushi, pizza, bake goods, white chocolate, and pumpkin ice cream, hates crying and only crys at nite, obsessed with anime and manga ( fave anime/manga: Blood+, Loveless, Escaflowne, FMA, Eurecka Seven, FCLC,Negima,Mugen Spiral and much more.. in dat order), talkitive (if you didn't notice), and hates it when ppl misjudge me ( why this keeps going on and on and on),and i hate followers or ppl who think and say their "popular", beats to meh OWN drums, hypocrite:hates it when ppl don't listen to meh yet is a crappy listener, hate annoying ppl yet is vair annoying usually on accident...., hates when ppl don't pay attention to meh yet will bite ur head off when u talk to meh when im reading, begs for food yet hates sharing food, theres probably more but im too lazy to think....if u find more keep it to urself be happy i was willing to tell u know the following........i wanna muffin OOOO TACOS ( OH! I stutter kinda when im really excited about something and have to many thots in meh head to make a sentence, super nervous, or tired....and...i sux at spelling and am usually only online when at dads from about11:00-3:00 a.m so my thougts can be incohernant tho even when i've slept all day they still are.........) P.S. WARNING: CAN BE A BITCH AND IF YA DON'T LIKE OUTGOING PPL THEN WELL that.......sux for you and i really don't give a shit P.P.S. cuss's.....alot.....and very opinionated P.P.P.S.I am a virgin in every sense, shape, and form of the word. (For you dipshits out there, that means I don’t do oral on or off camera) I am not a slut, whore, sleazy, or easy. I plan on staying a virgin till I’m a least 21 AND will loose it with a person I LOVE and have been in an ACTUAL relationship for at least a month… (I would prefer a year but hey im realistic)At my age now I can honestly say I have not dated (in less my first kiss incident or my “three-hour boyfriend” counts….and I‘ve tried the online dating thing and I‘m not going there). I am entering high school and will I date then? well that’s none of you fuckin business and get a life! I will NEVER send you a picture, my name, address, phone/cell number, or anything about my identity (Personality obviously doesn’t count). If you ever met me in person or talked to meh fwunds which I will make sure you never do in less of course you are one of meh fwunds, you’d quickly realize I have a perverted mind and more insane/giddy/ than bitchy online…..why you ask? Why the fuck should I know??? Don’t think that just because I think about “it” that your chances of getting in and/or seeing my pants are any higher than NEGITIVE 173 PERCENT (for you dumbass’s translation: no chance in hell.) I am definitely over confident. Do I think I’m hot? I do. Do I think I’m a great catch of course I do. Do I think I’m smart? Well I didn’t pass a college English entrance exam by guessing (F.Y.I. I took the exam hoping to get into a college level creative writing class…not soon after I discovered that I passed, they said they fucked up and that I need at least one year of high school English to get in NOT a passing exam…my ego is definitely overflowing but I am disappointed) am I interested in talkative, outgoing, intelligent yet very immature but mature when needed, not sexist or racist in any way, can keep up with me with both energy and mind power, aggressive, majorly yummy hot guys, with self-esteem ( not an ego the size of the ocean, but not a low ego where he’s constantly worrying about money, looks, or his friends inputs….), AND A GGGGGRRRREEEEAAAAATTTTTTT sense of humor? FUCK YES!!!!! (Don’t worry I can behave and bite meh tongue like I do when I show property and houses with daddy) So pretty much if you ignore the ongoing trivial chatter this means to you horny bastards out there I’M NOT INTERESTED IN ANYTHING MORE THAN FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.P.P.S. Oh yah!!!! I’m very forgetful and tend to go on and on and on and on when I’m bored, hyper/excited, or trying to prove a point!!!


reading, writing, eating, flirting, LOVES DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD


wutevers on + depends on meh mood


um.........idk depends on meh mood


OMFG........LINKIN PARK!!!!!!!!!! the moment to tired to list all meh faves.......will later....wwwwaaaaayyyyyyy to many

MuffinBite’s Favorites
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