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"Fact: i miss kevin :("

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XOforgiveme | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (0) |
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heyyya Hope ur okki i knor ur bday was yesterdaty but happy late bday Gemz xx

Posted 15 years ago

PromiseOx | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (2) |
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heyya how are u?

Posted 15 years ago

masterofallanime | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (607) |
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Konbanwa CROUNTRY GIRL!!! Its been a while huh? I guess about 4 weeks now, i have no idea if you still log in on this site are not. I know i don't, well not as much as i used to anyways. I'm on now, my acount name is , hahaha; masterofallanime. :) So how have you been little one?

Posted 15 years ago

Minimew159 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Friends (66)

btw i just read our first exchanged comments it was so great reminding the first time i decided to talk to u just because i liked ur bg and u seemed cool by the comments u sent to Ivan and yes i know it was wrong to read his below comments but that was how we became friends XDDD

Posted 15 years ago

Minimew159 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Friends (66)

hey yeah it was quite good but i liked the Twilight saga more though it was interesting and that guy Owen was it? is HOT he is soooo cool hehe ^///^ well iv missed u too like hell that dance thing is history now anyways and u saw my pics too so mission half completed but still completed *huggles hope to talk to u soon*

Posted 15 years ago

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