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"Upoads will tend to be spread out since when I upload, I am unable to use my computer for other uses until the upload finishes."

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drama4evr | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (44) |
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thanx 4 the conan movies if u could upload the subbed eps 2

Posted 16 years ago

mpthesamurai | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (0) |
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thanks so much plz can u upload rest of the movies

Posted 16 years ago

digisama | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (6) |
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Can you upload more?^_^

Posted 16 years ago

naturerakuen | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (2) |
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thank you! I 'm very very happy to watch conan movie.

Posted 16 years ago

DavidLafnear | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (0) |
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You suck Conanprovider. "wahhh, veohTV won't let me upload conan vids waahh." Is it really THAT difficult to upload videos with names like nanoC or DC rather than the obvious HEY LOOK I'M UPLOADING "DETECTIVE CONAN" EPISODES. LOOK AT ME YOOOHOOO MY VIDS ARE DETECTIVE CONAN #.

Posted 16 years ago

ConanProvider’s Details

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
17 years ago

Last Login:
16 years ago

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About ConanProvider
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With the new upload feature for VeohTV Beta, I can queue up multiple episodes to be uploaded to without actually having to be at my computer. In addition, VeohTV also quickens the pace at which such episodes are uploaded. It is for that reason that I will try to upload every episode of Detective Conan I have. Any episodes that are successfully uploaded should be downloaded by viewers such as yourselves as soon as possible before Veoh gets the chance to delete them. For any episode that you find is missing, you should assume that the episode was flagged by Veoh during the uploads process.


For those of you who are unaware of the uploads process, a video goes through the following steps: 1) Uploading 2) Processing 3) Publishing


You can Upload anything you want, but it must pass the Processing stage before it is cleared to be Published.


In the Processing stage, Veoh analyzes the actual frames that make up the episode, and if they match up with frames that are on their copyright list, the video is automatically deleted before it ever reaches the Publishing stage.


Therefore, merely changing the file names or tags has no effect so please do not make that arguement. For those episodes that I have managed to upload, please enjoy them at your convenience. -ConanProvider-

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