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"I am Phoenix Uzamaki Hatake. A member of the Hatake Clan."

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Tyzoo | Videos (2) | Channels (1) | Favorites (90) |
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long time no talk. how you been?

Posted 14 years ago

HYPNoBRECKYFolksBlues | Videos (0) | Channels (3) | Favorites (162) |
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I PMd you, BlackPhoenix. It's a gfix for here...

Posted 15 years ago

HYPNoBRECKYFolksBlues | Videos (0) | Channels (3) | Favorites (162) |
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Hi, BlackPhoenix! I notice that your comments get cut off @the bottom on the last comment by the footer. If you go into the "Settings" "Customize" box and change the Height to 2500px; or 3000px; it will fix that so you can dispaly the whole comment and also be able to admire your white phoenix picture underneath the comments, also. So I hope you will be able to backspace out 2000 and type in 2055 or 3000 in the "height: " spot of your code. Laters!

Posted 15 years ago

HYPNoBRECKYFolksBlues | Videos (0) | Channels (3) | Favorites (162) |
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YW! The white panel usually is fixed by simply adding #veohPage { background: transparent ; } but yer code had some real cryptic stuff from a third party site profile code generator. When Veoh changed a lot of their identifier names for each position or spot, that site's code was a lot of stuff for the veoh program to no longer be able to read. Hope ya don't mind- I center your picture and made it look like cool paradise tiles on your page. Glad you are back to enjoying your page, BlackPhoenix! Laters!

Posted 15 years ago

HYPNoBRECKYFolksBlues | Videos (0) | Channels (3) | Favorites (162) |
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Never mind what I said about giving me an email- don't need it. I Private Messaged you(The Code was under the limit of words in your PMs). Click on "My Veoh" and look in your "inbox" fpr that PM from methat has your profile code. Just delete the old and Copy&Paste the new code into your "Customize" box after you click on the green "Settings" button. Laters.

Posted 15 years ago

BlackPhoenix89’s Details
Phoenix Hatake

June 26


Member Since:
16 years ago

Last Login:
10 years ago

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About BlackPhoenix89
My Website:

You threaten the Hatake Clan, and you DIE

About Me:

I belong to the Hatake Clan. My father, Nightz Hatake, is the leader of the clan. If you threaten our clan I will disobey his order and kill you. The Hatake Clan only wishes peace, but you outsiders do not understand that. *growls*









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