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"If you got any good anime or manga comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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lilgwen | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (0) |
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hey lacey im gud and yew

Posted 14 years ago

dizzydam | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (118) |
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im about ready to stop as well!!! and ive only ben in school for tw days!!! its just really tirin!!!:(

Posted 14 years ago

dizzydam | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (118) |
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alrite i guess just tired since schools started and i have to look after the yr 7's!!! hows bout u??? btw TEMARI IS BACK!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!

Posted 14 years ago

dizzydam | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (118) |
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looks like u really enjoy ur school!!! but seriously need ur sleep!! altho im not one to tlk!!! im good just a little tired!!! ive not been sleepin much either!!! btw i can read wat i write now!!! YAYZIES!!!

Posted 14 years ago

dizzydam | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (118) |
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lollemz!! ive still got 2 weeks left before school starts!!! im alrite still bored!!! i was watchin skip beat!!! wat bout u???

Posted 14 years ago

1monkey230’s Details
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16 years ago

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About 1monkey230
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About Me:

I am a teen and I'm homeschool and I love it. So, that mean I would probablly be on all the time lol. When I am bored I watch anime or read a manga if you got any good anime to watch message or comment me!! Cause i would love to know some really good ones! :) and if your one of my friend (or just a person checking out my profile and if u lik my profile add me or commenton my profile) u might noticed i change my pics all the time lol :D


well I mostly watch anime or read manga if u want to no any good anime/manga to watch/read just comment or message me :)


That 70's show,Degrassi,What I Like About You,and there alot more I watch i just can't think of any lol


The Others,Sweet Home Alabama,Titanic,A Walk to Remember,and The Notebook


all kinds :)

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