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"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥^.^ "

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NerdBeer | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Friends (240)


Posted 12 years ago

AVeohTVAccount | Videos (6) | Channels (1) | Favorites (6) |
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Hey, sorry for not responding for so LONG. I don't even go to this site anymore, lol. VEOH kept changing to the point where I don't go on anymore. I have been good. I can't believe how long it has been since I been here. I am not sure if you are active on this site as well. I remembered we talked a lot a long time ago. We should talk again like old times.

Posted 13 years ago

lil-aqua-angel | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (5) |
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hey it's me again. this is a goodbye message. i'm glad that we have been friends. thank for the memories. goodbye x

Posted 14 years ago

lil-aqua-angel | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (5) |
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hey it's me. lil-aqua-angel/crazylittlegirl789. you prob won't read this message or even remember me. i know i haven't been on veoh for ages and it has changed a lot. if you still want to be my friend, i'll be here

Posted 14 years ago

aaronluis26 | Videos (0) | Channels (1) | Favorites (7) |
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Whoa! :O Awesome username! xD

Posted 14 years ago

17supercutekitkatkit...’s Details

April 17



Member Since:
17 years ago

Last Login:
8 years ago

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About 17supercutekitkatkit...
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About Me:

♥♥♥ I ♥ to watch anime and read manga (i'm probably addicted =P). I luv to listen to Japanese music too!! I read manga online and a few that I'm reading right now are Tsubasa Resrvoir Chronicles, Naruto and Bleach. In my opinion Fruits Basket has got to be the all time best manga that I have ever read (It's my favorite)!! I have a younger brother too XP I'm nice, creative, cute, fun, awesome person =D lol This could go on forever >.< so just ask if you want to know more about me, K? I love to get messages, comments, and friend requests from everyone. Also, sometimes if I'm not able to reply to all comments and messages right away, I still read all of them and try to reply as soon as I can! ^___^ Luv you all!! ♥


Drawing, Listening to music, Manga (Tsubasa Resorvoir Chronicles, Naruto, Bleach, etc.), Anime (Gintama, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, etc.), Yaoi (manga/anime/ova), Computers, Movies, and much much more!


The internet is my television!!!!! haha =D I don't really watch TV. So, I don't know what to say...although sometimes I watch Family Guy...XD lol yep.


Any anime movie and comedy, action, adventure movies as well...Just ask if u want to know what movies I have watched....(^_^) that would make it easier.


My favorite song is "Listen to Your Heart" ♥♥♥♥ Linkin Park, Nickelback, All American Rejects, etc. I luv Japanese music too!!! Some from anime and some not...ummm...a band that I can name right now is probably...Asian Kung-fu Generation! They rock! XD

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