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"Live like you're alive!!"

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HYPNoBRECKY | Videos (0) | Channels (5) | Favorites (323) |
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Yep, me too! But I always start out on veoh by checking the links @ the bottom to see if "Forums" is added unerneath "Resources"!

Posted 14 years ago

HYPNoBRECKY | Videos (0) | Channels (5) | Favorites (323) |
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I don't know why I thought zayek was in the far East! Texas is east of me, but not by much! ha! i can't believe pf-joseph was sble to post on veoh! I did notice about 15 hours ago that veoh changed some things for the better(Code stuff). I'm going to wtrite a nice friendly letter to support about the forums (more people use it than they can know since anybody even not signed into veoh could spend all day @ the forum reading hours of posts if they pleased!).

Posted 14 years ago

HYPNoBRECKY | Videos (0) | Channels (5) | Favorites (323) |
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Whoa! something cool happened!!! pf-joseph just posted last nifght!!! I hope malaysia is totally unblocked! I'm going to try zayak and Kyransparda!!!

Posted 14 years ago

HYPNoBRECKYFolksBlues | Videos (0) | Channels (3) | Favorites (162) |
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We have it all mixed up, eh????!!! Ha ha! What is that which we are speaking of??? Relativity??? Ha! Now my face hurts for smiling so hard! Hehe! Yep, I woke up mentally grumbling, thinking I felt as crappy as if I hadn't slept at all! Sometimes it is just a case of drinking enough water when I feel this brand of carp! it's a never ending struggle with me here in the desert- I'm always a little dehydrated(the caffeine don't help that situation, at all!)!

Posted 14 years ago

HYPNoBRECKYFolksBlues | Videos (0) | Channels (3) | Favorites (162) |
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I keep forgettin' that Australia's seasons go opposite. Like the end of the year is your summer- I got to get that in my head! Well, I'm glad yer flu season is coming to an end and that you are healthy as ever, except for a little zombie eye!!! Thanks, I got some sleep! Just wish i felt like it! Ha! Dang! I just woke up and my account when I got off the comp was set to this=, so, when I checked HYPNoBrekBrek I forgot I was signed in different! I feel like a real guilty zombie, now!!! @,@

Posted 14 years ago

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Relient K, The Classic Crime, Anberlin, Ivoryline, Armor for Sleep, Far-Less, Search the City, The Wedding, The Almost, Falling Up, Trial Kennedy, Wavorly, 1997, Deas Vail, Secret and Whisper, Red, Project 86, The Spill Canvas, Emery, Hidden in Plain View

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