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jmichaeli's Videos

  • Dancing Feet...
    Dancing Feet...

    Purported to be the greatest dance sequence ever filmed, it was done in one continuous take and star...

    • Added: 17 years ago
    • Category: Entertainment
    • By: jmichaeli
    • Source:
  • Michael J Fox on Katie Couric
    Michael J Fox on Katie Couric

    Michael J Fox responds to Rush Limbaugh's insesitivity and blatant political ploys by showing him what true co...

    • Added: 17 years ago
    • Category: Entertainment
    • By: jmichaeli
    • Source:
  • Michael J Fox on Katie Couric
    Michael J Fox on Katie Couric

    Michael J Fox makes an ass out of Rush Limbaugh in this interview with Couric. Instead of lashing back, he...

    • Added: 17 years ago
    • Category: Entertainment
    • By: jmichaeli
    • Source:
  • How to quit smoking...
    How to quit smoking...

    this will make you think twice - well maybe once...

    • Added: 17 years ago
    • Category: Comedy
    • By: jmichaeli
    • Source:

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